
Dentistry - Course - Orthognathic Surgery & TMJ Dysfunction

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  • Course Code: ORTD630
  • Credits: 1
  • Hours Distribution: (1 Lec)
  • Course Type: Orthodontics (ORTD)

Course Description

This course gives the graduate student an introduction to the assessment and evaluation of the orthognathic surgery and cleft palate patient. It emphasizes the role of the orthodontist in the preparation and finishing of the surgical orthodontic patient as well as being a member in the cleft lip and palate treatment team.
The course will also provide an understanding of the structural, psychological, physiological, and pathological contributing factors associated with Temporo-Mandibular Disorders (TMD)and its relevance to orthodontics. In addition, the candidate is introduced to the diagnosis of TMD, the formulation and the execution of appropriate treatment plans for the management of TMD.