
Baher Farahat

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Baher Farahat

Faculty of Architecture - Design And Built Environment

07 985080 Ex: 3255


Baher Farahat

Professor of Architecture, Urban Design and morphology

Baher Ismail Farahat received his PhD in Architecture Eng. (Urban Planning) in 2007 from Ain Shams University, Cairo – Egypt and an M.Sc. Degree in 2003 from Ain Shams University, Cairo – Egypt. He obtained his BS in Architecture Eng. (Urban Planning) from Ain Shams University, Cairo – Egypt in 1999. He is Associate Professor in Faculty of Architecture Design & Built Environment, Beirut Arab University (BAU) - Lebanon. He worked as Teaching Assistant, Assistant Lecturer, Assistant Professor in Misr International University (MIU), Cairo - Egypt from 2000 – 2013.


Before joining BAU, Dr. Baher Farahat taught Urban Design, City Planning, Architecture Design, Landscape, Housing and urban Renewal, at Misr International University (MIU), Cairo – Egypt.

Fall courses

  • ARCH291 Architectural Design Studio 1
    • ARCH273. Building Construction I
      • ARCH563. Regionalism in Architecture
        • ARCH362 Social Studies in Architecture
          • Spring courses

            • ARCH292 Architectural Design Studio 2
              • ARCH363. Theory of Housing
                • ARCH274. Building Construction II
                  • ARCH536. Research and Programming
                    • ARCH565. Urban Morphology


Research Interests:

Research interests are in the areas of Urban Design, Quality of life, Health and well-being.


  • Farahat, Baher Ismail “Employing Sustainable Development Concepts to Revitalize the Historic Urban Quarter of Al-Muizz Street, Cairo” Architecture and Planning Journal (APJ):Vol.26: Iss.1, Article 7. ISSN:2079-4096. (June 2020)
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, and Khaled Abdul-Aziz Osman “The conservation of the waterfront of Saida: A model for tourism and culture-led revitalization in valuable areas” (HBRC) Journal of Housing and Building National Research Center. (March 2017)
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, and Khaled Abdul-Aziz Osman “TOWARDS A NEW VISION TO DESIGN A MUSEUM IN HISTORICAL PLACES” (HBRC) Journal of Housing and Building National Research Center. reference HBRCJ227 (January 2016)
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, and Khaled Abdul-Aziz Osman دور المساحات الخضراء والفراغات العمرانية المفتوحة في تنمية وتطوير المناطق السكنية ذات القيمة )دراسة حالة للمنطقة المحيطة بمسجد السيدة زينب بوسط القاهر " ". (APJ) Architecture & planning Journal Faculty of Architecture Engineering – Beirut Arab University (2014)
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, and Khaled Abdul-Aziz Osman" Museums Between Tradition and Modernism: Memorial Museums Like Jewish Museum in Berlin as a Case Study".(JES) Journal of Engineering Science Faculty of Engineering - Assiut University Volume 42 Number (5) (2014)
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail. Thriving Gated Communities "An Analytical Study on Gated Communities in Great Cairo - Egypt". (SAP) Scientific & Academic Publishing (Architecture Research) (2012)
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, and Gasser Gamil Abdel-Azim. "Towards a Renewable Urban Sustainability" Decoding the Egyptian DNA of High Performance City. (SAP) Scientific & Academic Publishing (Architecture Research) 2.5 (2012)
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, and Ola M. Emad Bakry. “A Vision of New Cairo Districts as a Model of Sustainable, Walkable Urban Liveability.” Journal of American Science 8.1 (2012): 450-60.
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, and Ola M. Emad Bakry. “ A Sustainability Oriented-Vision of the Future Planning and Design Process.” International Journal of Academic Research 4.1 (2012): 179-87


  • Farahat, Baher Ismail “Towards improving the quality of workspaces for a better human performance in LebanonACE 2020 (International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering) Building the World with Innovative Structures towards a Sustainable Future. 12-13 March 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail “Role of Green and Open Urban Spaces in Developing and Promoting Valuable Residential Areas” ACE 2019 (7th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering), Indexed by SCOPUS, 27-28 May 2019, Singapore.
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail and Azab, Nader “Gated Communities; Images of sustainability; Al-Rehab & Madinaty case studies” UHWB2018 (1st International Conference under the title: Urban Health and wellbeing) Collaborative Intelligence for better lives in Cities and collaboration with the International Society for Urban Health ISUH. 23-25 October 2018, BAU, Debbieh, Lebanon.
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail. “Influential The Optimum Orientation for Residential Units in Housing-Blocks” ICCAE (18th International Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering) 16 -17 January 2017, Guangzhou, China.
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail and Afify, Ayman. “Temporary Houses from Emergency to Sustainability” ICASCE16 (2nd international Conference on Architecture, Structure and Civil Engineering) 26th-27th March, 2016, London (UK)
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail “Resident's Quality of Life at Cairo, Egypt in Urban Neighbourhoods"ARCHCAIRO 2014 (6th International Conference Towards a Regional Agenda for Habitat III "Responsive Urbanism in Informal Areas) 25th-27th Nov, 2014 (Cairo, Egypt).
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail “The Interrelationship Between Fashion and Architecture" AEIC2014 (Al- Azhar Engineering Thirteen International Conference) 23th-25th Dec. 2014 (Cairo, Egypt).
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail “Towards Health Amelioration: Analyzing Cairo-Egypt Urbanization Pattern" IICE2014 (The First Irbid International Engineering Conference"المدينة: الثورة التكنولولجية والتحديات" 14th-16th Oct. 2014 (Irbid, Jordan).
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail “Piezoelectric materials “Potentials and Constrains”Upgrading Designs and Techniques" IICE2014 (The First Irbid International Engineering Conference"المدينة: الثورة التكنولولجية والتحديات" 14th-16th Oct. 2014 (Irbid, Jordan).
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail “Architecture Education Future Experience in Designing a New Curriculum for Undergraduate University Education in Architecture." EDULEARN11 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) 4th – 6th of July, 2011 (Barcelona, Spain).
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, and Safey-El Din, Heba . “Towards a Quality Assurance of the Private Architectural Education in Egypt." ICERI (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) 15th – 17th of November, 2010 (Madrid, Spain).
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, “ دراسة وتحليل المخططات الاستراتيجية للتنمية العمرانية لإقليم القاهرة الكبريبجمهورية مصر العربية في الفترات الزمنية المتعاقبة ” AEIC (EL-Azhar Engineering Eleventh International Conference) 21st – 23rd of December 2010 (Cairo, Egypt).
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, “المقابر...المفهوم والوظيفة والتطور في إطار النمو العمراني للمدينة ” ARCHCAIRO (5th International Conference, Towards a new Architectural Vision) 16th – 17th December, 2009 (Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Cairo, Egypt).
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail, تأثير لامركزية الإدارة العمرانية علي ثقافة العمران" ” ARUP (First Architecture Urban Planning International Conference, Architecture.. Urbanism & Culture) 28th – 30th of October 2006 (Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Cairo, Egypt).


  • Farahat, Baher Ismail. “Building's Functions in the 20th & 21st Century” Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 12 May, 2013, ISBN-10: 3659397105, ISBN-13: 978-3659397103
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail. “Towards a Responsive Urban Design in Down Town Cairo-Egypt.” Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 17 Sept. 2012, ISBN-10: 3659247472,  ISBN-13: 978-3659247477
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail. “Towards a Responsive Urban Design in Historical Cairo-Egypt.” Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 18 June 2012, ISBN-10: 3659161179,  ISBN-13: 978-3659161179
  • Farahat, Baher Ismail and Ola M. Emad Bakry. “A Vision of New Cairo Districts.” Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 22 Apr 2012, ISBN10 3848447649, ISBN13 9783848447640




  • Member in The Faculty’s Consulting Committee (Faculty of Architecture, Design & Built Environment, Beirut Arab University- Lebanon).
  • University Activities committee Coordinator (Faculty of Architecture, Design & Built Environment, Beirut Arab University- Lebanon).
  • Member in Quality Assurance committee (Faculty of Architecture, Design & Built Environment, Beirut Arab University- Lebanon).
  • Active member in MIU co-operation studio with AUS (AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN SHARJA)in 2002.
  • Participate in the educational co-operation between Ain Shams University, Urban Planning and Design department, and Nurtingen University, (urban renewal of the district – planning to requirements based on the local standards of living)in 2001
  • Participated as project engineer in developing the area between El-ATTABA Square and EL-OPERA Square which are focal points between Old Cairo and the new city of Ismaile basha in Sabbor Bureau Egyptian de Conseils Techniques (BECT) office and OkÖplan Architecture office in 1998


  • 1999 2rd & 3rd prize Limited Competition in Suez city, Egypt. “Design environmental friendly residence building”