
Abdallah AL Sabbagh

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Abdallah AL Sabbagh

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Electrical & Computer Engineering

06 218400 Ex: 4302


Abdallah AL Sabbagh

Assistant Professor

Dr. Abdallah AL Sabbagh is currently working as a full-time Assistant Professor of Communications and Electronics Engineering with over ten years’ experience in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses. He has received his MES and PhD on 2010 and 2013 respectively from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. In addition, Abdallah has more than three years’ industrial experience working as a Telecom Delivery Engineer Lead, Project Manager and Pre-Sales Engineer within the telecommunications industry. Moreover, Abdallah has published 6 refereed journal articles, 2 book chapters and 17 conference papers, and has granted 2 Australian patents.


  • Signals and Systems
  • Wireless Communications
  • Microwave Engineering
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Discrete-time Signals & Systems
  • Optical Communications
  • Communication Networks
  • Embedded Systems
  • Electricity and Magnetism




  1. A Hybrid Radio Resource Allocation Method for Multiple Wireless Access Networks. Australian Patent: AU2013100801, granted in July 2013.
  2. A Radio Resource Allocation Method for Wireless Sensors in Body Area Networks. Australian Patent: AU2013100806, granted in July 2013.


Journal Articles

  1. P. Pupatwibul, A. Banjar, A. AL Sabbagh and R. Braun, “A Comparative Review: Accurate OpenFlow Simulation Tools for Prototyping,” Journal of Networks, vol. 10, no 5, May 2015, pp. 322-327.
  2. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “Performance Analysis of the Intelligent Mobility Optimization CRRM Approach Using a Markovian Chain Model,” Journal of Networks, vol. 9, no 3, March 2014, pp. 635-644.
  3. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “Intelligent Hybrid Cheapest Cost and Mobility Optimization RAT Selection Approaches for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” Journal of Networks, vol. 9, no 2, February 2014, pp. 297-305.
  4. A. Banjar, P. Pupatwibul, A. AL Sabbagh and R. Braun, “Using an ICN Approach to Support Multiple Controllers in OpenFlow,” International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences (IJECS), vol. 14, no 2, April 2014, pp. 1-6.
  5. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “A Comprehensive Survey on RAT Selection Algorithms for Heterogeneous Networks,” World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), no. 73, January 2011, pp. 141-145.
  6. A. AL Sabbagh, “A Markov Chain Model for Load-Balancing Based and Service Based RAT Selection Algorithms in Heterogeneous Networks,” World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), no. 73, January 2011, pp. 146-152.


Book Chapters

  1. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “Centralized and Distributed CRRM in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, in Advanced Methods and Applications in Computational Intelligence, Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics, vol. 6, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland 2014, pp. 299-314.
  2. P. Pupatwibul, A. Banjar, A. AL Sabbagh and R. Braun, “An Intelligent Model for Distributed Systems in Next Generation Networks”, in Advanced Methods and Applications in Computational Intelligence, Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics, vol. 6, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland 2014, pp. 315-334.


Conference Proceeding Papers

  1. A. AL Sabbagh, P. Pupatwibul, A. Banjar and R. Braun, “Optimization of the OpenFlow Controller in Wireless Environments for Enhancing Mobility,” in  13th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN’13), in conjunction with the 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2013), Sydney, Australia, October 21-24, 2013.
  2. P. Pupatwibul, A. Banjar, A. AL Sabbagh and R. Braun, “Developing an Application Based on OpenFlow to Enhance Mobile IP Networks,” in  13th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN’13), in conjunction with the 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2013), Sydney, Australia, October 21-24, 2013.
  3. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “An Intelligent Power Efficient RAT Selection Approach in Future Wireless Networks,” in FEIT Research Showcase 2013, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia, June 12, 2013.
  4. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “A Power Efficient RAT Selection Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” in 2012 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2012), Gold Coast, Australia, October 2-5, 2012, pp. 997-1002.
  5. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “A Mobility Optimization CRRM Approach for Next Generation Wireless Networks,” in 2012 International Conference on Computer & Information Science (ICCIS 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 12-14, 2012, pp. 609-613.
  6. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “An Intelligent RAT Selection Approach for Mobility Optimization in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” in FEIT Research Showcase 2012, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia, June 13, 2012.
  7. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “Interaction of Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” in 1st Australian Conference on the Applications of Systems Engineering (ACASE'12), Sydney, Australia, February 6-8, 2012, pp. 34-35.
  8. A. P. Pupatwibul, A. AL Sabbagh, A. Banjar and R. Braun, “Distributed Systems in Next Generation Networks,” in 1st Australian Conference on the Applications of Systems Engineering (ACASE'12), Sydney, Australia, February 6-8, 2012, pp. 32-33.
  9. A. Rafiei, A. AL Sabbagh and R. Braun, “Adaptive Relay in Wireless Body Area Network,” in 1st Australian Conference on the Applications of Systems Engineering (ACASE'12), Sydney, Australia, February 6-8, 2012, pp. 122-123.
  10. A. Rafiei, A. AL Sabbagh and R. Braun, “Ubiquity of Body Area Networks in Large Environments,” in 1st Australian Conference on the Applications of Systems Engineering (ACASE'12), Sydney, Australia, February 6-8, 2012, pp. 124-125.
  11. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “Common Radio Resource Management Strategies in Next Generation Wireless Networks,” in FEIT Research Showcase 2011, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia, June 15, 2011, pp. 7-8.
  12. A. AL Sabbagh, R. Braun and M. Abolhasan, “A Comprehensive Survey on RAT Selection Algorithms for Beyond 3G Networks,” in International Conference on Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (ICCNMC 2011), Dubai, UAE, January 25-27, 2011, pp. 834-838.
  13. A. AL Sabbagh and R. Braun, “A Markovian Model for Load-Balancing Based and Service Based Algorithms in B3G Networks,” in International Conference on Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (ICCNMC 2011), Dubai, UAE, January 25-27, 2011, pp. 827-833.
  14. A. Rafiei and A. AL Sabbagh, “A Network Recovery Strategy Scheme Based on Network Failure Scenarios and Topologies,” in 2010 International Conference on Communication and Vehicular Technology (ICCVT 2010), Hanoi, Vietnam, December 30-31, 2010.
  15. L. Wu, A. E. AL Sabbagh, K. Sandrasegaran, M. Elkashlan and C.-C. Lin, “Performance Evaluation on Common Radio Resource Management Algorithms,” in 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA 2010), Perth, Australia, April 20-23, 2010, pp. 491-495.
  16. L. Wu, A. E. AL Sabbagh, K. Sandrasegaran and M. Elkashlan, “A User Level Markov Model for Service Based CRRM Algorithm,” in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Information Technology (MCIT 2010), Sharjah, U.A.E, March 2nd-4th, 2010, pp. 41-44.
  17. L. Wu, A. E. AL Sabbagh, K. Sandrasegaran and M. Elkashlan, “A User Level Markov Model for Load Balancing Based RAT Selection Algorithm,” in 8th International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Symposium (I2TS 2009), Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, December 09-11, 2009.