Dr. Haidar was born in Lebanon,
He received:
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunications,) June 1986
Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon.
- Japanese Language Certificate, September 1989
Osaka University for Foreign Language, Japan.
- ME Computer Engineering, March 1992
Department of Computer and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Japan.
- Ph.D. Computer Engineering, March 1995
Department of Computer and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University, Japan.
Dr. Haidar joined Hiroshima City University in April 1995 as an Assistant Professor for life.
He joined Beirut Arab University in October 1997, where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
His scientific interests are: Logic Theory and its Applications, Neural Networks, Petri Nets, Cloud Computing, digital Communication, etc.
Dr. Haidar published around 100 papers in reviewed journals and conference proceedings in Lebanon and the world.
Dr. Haidar Supervised around 22 graduate students (Master and Ph.D.)
Dr. Haidar teaching courses (undergraduate and graduate):
• Microcontroller
• Computer Organization
• Computer Architectures
• Digital Systems
• Digital Communication
• Neural Networks
• Multiple-Valued Logic (Theory and Applications)
• New Trends in Computer Engineering
• Parallel processing.
Dr. Haidar is a Member of:
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering): Since 1992.
- IEICE (Institute of Electrical, Information, and Communication Engineering): Since 1989.
- In 1996, Dr. Haidar was on the list of Who’s Who in the World guidebook.