Hussein Abu Yassin gave many courses in physical therapy in his teaching career using various contemporary methods namely evidence based practice, team based learning, and problem based learning; and he is eager to use the latest methods in student evaluation especially those related to clinical reasoning and problem solving.
Previously taught courses
Major core courses of BSc in physical therapy program
He taught Ethics and Professionalism in Physical Therapy, Integumentary Physical Therapy, Medical Surgical Physical therapy, Education in Physical Therapy, Evidence Based Practice, Laws and Ethics of Professional Practices, Physical Therapy Interventions III, Research Methodology, Administration and Management in Physical Therapy, Research and Evidence Based Practice, Geriatric physical therapy, Medical surgical physical therapy practice, Geriatric Physical Therapy Practice, and Research Project.
Faculty/University elective courses:
Physical Therapy for Cancer Patient, Practice of Physical Therapy in Women’s Health, Stretching.
Spring Courses
- Ethics and Professionalism in Physical therapy. (3 Crs.)
- Medical Surgical Physical Therapy. (3 Crs.)
- Research Project.(3 Crs.)
- Geriatric Physical Therapy Practice. (2 Crs.)
Fall Courses
- Ethics and Professionalism in Physical therapy. (3 Crs.)
- Medical Surgical Physical Therapy practice. (2 Crs.)
- Practice of Physical Therapy in Women’s Health. (3Crs.)
Abu Yassin H, Saab I, Nossier A, Eid M. Pulsed Versus Continuous Phenytoin Phonophoresis in Accelerating the Burn Wound Healing in Rats. Journal of American Science; 10(10):15-19, 2014.