
Dentistry - Course - Ethics and Professionalism in Dentistry

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  • Course Code: PHBS521
  • Credits: 1
  • Hours Distribution: (1 Lec.)
  • Course Type: Basic Sciences Courses (Bas. Sci.)

Course Description

The course aims at providing the student with the legal rules governing the profession and an understanding of the importance of clinician-patient sound relationship for the success of the delivered treatment. The ethical principles that prevail on the practice of dentistry are presented, together with the rights and obligations of the dentist towards his patients, colleagues and public authorities, as well as patient’s duties towards his dentist. Documentation, report writing techniques for legal necessities and/or for referrals are taught. The Lebanese taxation system is presented and professional skill development is highlighted as one of the dentist’s obligations. Finally, the mission and scope of authority of both Lebanese Dental Association (LDA) and the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) are described together with most relevant funds, boards and regulations.

Prerequisite PHBS 321