There are many resources you can benefit from inside and outside BAU. Explore the below links to find out more about each of them.
Libraries are one of the most vital assets and assessment criteria in private universities in light of technological and information technology advancements. Accordingly, the general policy of libraries is indispensable to Beirut Arab University’s policy, which is based on international quality standards in program and performance assessment and development.
The relationship is embodied in the collaboration between the library administration to other administrations in the University. It is also expressed in the relationship of libraries to similar institutions in Lebanon and abroad and embodied through memberships and agreements.
The library catalogue is a tool that enable users to check BAU Libraries print collection (Books, Journals, Theses, & Multimedia).
Click this link to search the catalog or Scan the QR-Code using your smartphone QR-code Reader App.
There are many resources you can benefit from inside and outside BAU. Explore the below links to find out more about each of them.
BAU students have several online resources available for their usage. As a student, you can use your ID and Iconnect account to access a multitude of databases and e-journals.
The University library administration constantly endeavors to achieve Beirut Arab University’s vision of supporting education and research by providing various information sources that fulfill the needs of users. In addition, the administration strives to supply information through international collaborative sources and networks. It also takes interest in developing human resources to accomplish anticipated future objectives.
The Library’s vision at Beirut Arab University is to enhance and develop library services in line with the University strategy of providing quality education and research, to follow up with technological developments to provide international e-service standards, and to support e-learning to enable libraries to become an educational center for users of the University and its community.
The University libraries are working in line of a strategy based upon performance indicators to assess work and progress through international academic library standards such as the ones followed in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and other libraries. University libraries have worked on achieving 45 KPIs (based on ISO11620) to develop and update library collections, electronic resources, economic services, information skills, document delivery, and digital libraries.
In addition, libraries have reached around 90% of ISO 16439 (standard of Assessing the impact of libraries).
Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Medical Library:
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
If you have any question, or if you need any help please feel free to contact us on: