
Dentistry - Course - Operative Dentistry III

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  • Course Code: OPER422
  • Credits: 3
  • Hours Distribution:  (1 Lec., 4.5 Pract.)
  • Course Type: Clinical Sciences courses (Cln. Sci.)

Course Description

The course provides additional knowledge and experience about esthetic dentistry. In-depth knowledge is provided on the fundamentals of esthetic dentistry, smile analysis and design, DSD, microesthetics, dental photography, esthetic work-up and predictable esthetic treatment plan. Students will be able to manage esthetic defects and clinically practice diastema closure, composite build-up, and direct composite veneers. By the end of this course, the student will start from the point view of art and build up the concept of esthetics in patient evaluation and treatment.

Prerequisite OPER 421