
Dentistry - Course - Dental Photography

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  • Course Code: DENT509
  • Credits: 1
  • Hours Distribution: (1 Lec.)
  • Course Type: Faculty Elective (Fac. Ele.)

Course Description

This course is designed for students with little or no background in photography. It provides an introductory part in history of photography and the basic components of recent cameras. This course uses the advanced digital camera to build basic skills in students who have an interest in photography, but no prior experience. Using a combination of lecture, demonstration, and hands-on exercises, this course will explore the basic photographic techniques and artistic concerns involved in making photographs. These include camera handling, composition, effective use of light and file management. Students attending the course must have a digital camera with aperture priority, shutter priority, and exposure compensation. The student will know how to use the components in different conditions to take specific photos especially while taking professional dental photos for their case presentation or documentations. The course goal is to understand the factors affecting different conditions that results in the final outcome of a properly managed photograph.