
Dentistry - Course - Implantology

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  • Course Code: DENT503
  • Credits: 2
  • Hours Distribution: (1 Lec., 2 Pract.)
  • Course Type: Faculty Elective (Fac. Ele.)

Course Description

The course is designed to give the student an idea about the history of dental implantology. It is aimed to teach the candidate about the different types of dental implants, concepts of osseointegration and factors aiding in increasing the success rate of dental implantology. Students will be able to take an idea about the difference between delayed and immediate implantation. Recent adjunctive surgical techniques, which is performed with dental implants such as sinus lift, ridge expansion, ridge splitting, GBR and the use of PRF and PRP will be taught. Finally, dealing with complications that may arise with dental implants will be covered.