
Dentistry - Course - Medical Botany

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  • Course Code: PHRM221
  • Credits: 2
  • Hours Distribution: (2 Lec., 1 Pract.)
  • Course Type: Biomedical Sciences Courses (Biom. Sci.)

Course Description

The course aims to provide the students with thorough information and practical skills about the classification, identification (macro- and microscopically) of medicinal plants belonging to different medicinal families, focusing on those applied in dental care preparations and clinical dental practice. It aims also to promote the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours that facilitate effective interprofessional education (IPE) collaborative practice between health care providers. Through interactive learning students will discover ways in which they can work together to optimize patient’s care, respecting each other’s roles and responsibilities. The course employs a range of interactive methods and technologies. The content is oriented towards quality in health care, problem solving and other approaches that support dental care in different practice settings.