Course Code: OMED324
Credits: 2
Hours Distribution: (2 Lec., 1 Pract.)
Course Type: Clinical Sciences courses (Cln. Sci.)
Course Description
The course allows the students to recognize, diagnose and treat the oral manifestations of some autoimmune and infectious diseases. Acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary to prevent, diagnose and manage common oral and dental diseases as well as the effect of chemo/radiotherapy on oral tissues. In addition to dental management for medically compromised patients including hematologic and bleeding disorders. It allows the students to recognize, diagnose and treat the oral manifestations of systemic diseases, including ulcerative, vesiculo-bullous lesions, red and white lesions. The course also covers the etiology, differential diagnosis and management of orofacial pain.
Pre-req.: OPTH 224