
Dentistry - Course - Oral Surgery Clinics II

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  • Course Code: OSRG792
  • Credits: 2
  • Hours Distribution: (6 Prac)
  • Course Type: Oral Surgery (OSRG)

Course Description

The clinical courses run in parallel with the theoretical courses, aiming to gain the experience of the surgical removal of deeply impacted teeth. Also, the course will provide the candidate to attain experience in preprosthetic surgeries including hard and soft tissue management, the use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF), different types of biopsy intake, excision of soft tissue lesions and benign tumors, enucleation and marsupilization of large bony cysts including apicectomies. Also, the student will achieve management of odontogenic infection and ductal salivary gland stone removal, management of dentoalveolar fracture and closed reduction of mandibular fracture, dealing with several Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders focusing on the arthrocentesis techniques. Moreover, implant placement in atrophic mandible and maxilla with bone augmentation and membrane placement together with sinus lifting procedures will be done. Finally, providing experience in how to perform a full case presentation concerning cases needing orthognathic surgeries, and full case presentation with the appropriate management protocol to patients complaining of cleft lip/and or palate.