Course Code: ORTD793
Credits: 2
Hours Distribution: (6 Prac)
Course Type: Orthodontics (ORTD)
Course Description
The faculty has 3D-facilities for patient treatment and research, a conebeam device. Each resident starts treatment of new cases. Besides that, the resident has transfer cases and patients in retention. The clinical treatment is performed by the resident, always under supervision of the course director. In treatment planning sessions all cases are discussed thoroughly with the responsible faculty member and all residents of the same class. The program benefits the residents by treating a wide variety of patients over a longer time span.
The residents gain clinical experience in the interdisciplinary treatment. The interdisciplinary care for patients who require combined orthodontic-surgical treatment and/or combined orthodontic-prosthodontic treatment and/or combined orthodontic-periodontal treatment is encouraged by close co-operation with these specialties.
Residents are assigned a complement of patients exhibiting a wide range of malocclusions, and are required to work with different academic staff in order to receive a well-rounded educational experience using a variety of treatment philosophies. The residents also treat selected patients who require removable and functional appliances, micro anchorage implant devices, combined orthodontic-orthognathic surgical treatment; and on a limited basis, they treat patients with temporomandibular and orofacial pain disorders.