Course Code: ORTD423
Credits: 2
Hours Distribution: (1 Lec., 2 Pract.)
Course Type: Clinical Sciences courses (Cln. Sci.)
Course Description
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge of craniofacial growth and development, including the development of the dentition. It clarifies the principles of classification of malocclusion and possible etiological factors. It guides the student through systematic organized diagnosis of developed as well as developing malocclusions, including up to date diagnostic aids in addition to classical diagnostic tools. It provide students with a strong foundation in the areas of clinical application of various orthodontic appliances relevant to the different malocclusions.
The student will be trained to apply the principles of critical thinking and problem solving related to the comprehensive care of patients. Guiding the student to differentiate between simple cases which a general practitioner can treat, from those demanding referral to an orthodontist, with special emphasis on interceptive treatment. The student will be involved in the prescription, fabrication and clinical use of removable appliances for treatment of simple cases.
Pre-req.: OCLS 223