
Dentistry - Course - Orthodontics IV

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  • Course Code: ORTD704
  • Credits: 1
  • Hours Distribution: (1 Lec)
  • Course Type: Orthodontics (ORTD)

Course Description

The course designed to foster individual resident strengths and talents and to have full advantage of the integrated research, education, and practice resources. Recognizing the evolving nature of contemporary orthodontic practice, the program strives to provide a full range of clinical experiences in orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, and biomechanical management of malocclusion across the age and dentitional spectrums of children, adolescents and adults. The course includes diagnosis, analysis, and treatment of patients with combined orthodontic, prosthetic, and periodontal problems in concert with other specialties. Daily orthodontic seminars focus on case analyses encompassing different treatment modalities and a comprehensive review of important current and historical literature.