
Dentistry - Course - Pediatric Dentistry Comprehensive Care I

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  • Course Code: PEDI701
  • Credits: 2
  • Hours Distribution: (2 Lec)
  • Course Type: Pediatric Dentistry (PEDI)

Course Description

This course will provide the principles of child management; Childhood development and behaviour pattern in dental clinic; parental attitude, psychological management techniques, reduction of maternal anxiety, management of infants and parents, Emotional and psychiatric disorders including child abuse and neglect. Behaviour guidance services, provision of optimal therapeutic and preventive oral care to patients with medical, physical, or behavioural conditions taking into consideration assessment of orthodontic problems. These services may include both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic management techniques. Emphasis will be on proper management; diagnosis and treatment plan. Self-learning and group work seminars will be conducted by residents on selected topics to be prepared by residents and presented based on the latest evidence and systematic reviews to improve the resident’s knowledge to enable them to practice comprehensive dentistry for children. Research skills will be also enhanced.