
Dentistry - Course - Preclinical Operative Dentistry I

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  • Course Code: OPER222
  • Credits: 2
  • Hours Distribution: (1 Lec., 3 Pract.)
  • Course Type: Preclinical Sciences Courses (Prec. Sci.)

Course Description

The course provides students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary for adequate performance of intra-coronal cavity preparation. Students are introduced to biological, epidemiological, and clinical aspects of dental caries, as well as instruments and equipment used in the clinical setting. Students will be able to apply correct nomenclature to caries classification, identify and name the restorative instruments and equipment, and describe methods of caries assessment and treatment. Students will be trained on natural-size Typodont teeth in clinical simulation environment. Students are expected to do self-assessment to their practical skills according to set criteria. Basic standards of infection control are followed during laboratory sessions.

Prerequisite DANT 221