
Dentistry - Course - Preclinical Removable Prosthodontics III

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  • Course Code: RPRO321
  • Credits: 2
  • Hours Distribution: (1 Lec., 2 Pract.)
  • Course Type: Preclinical Sciences Courses (Prec. Sci.)

Course Description

The course provides instructions for the fabrication of removable partial denture prostheses. It starts with the introduction, scope, terminology, objectives and indications. It also discusses the classification of partially edentulous arches, Kennedy’s classification and Applegate’s rules. Objectives, principles and uses of surveyor are also described. The course is also designed to present various components of RPD which include denture base, occlusal rests and similar components, intracoronal and extracoronal direct retainer as well as basic principles of clasp design.

Prerequisite RPRO 224