Course Code: PEDI421
Credits: 2
Hours Distribution: (1 Lec., 2 Pract.)
Course Type: Preclinical Sciences Courses (Prec. Sci.)
Course Description
The course aims to enable the students to recognize the developmental stages of dentition and occlusion as well as morphological difference between primary and permanent teeth. It helps the student understands the mechanism of eruption and exfoliation and identify problems associated with the eruption process to help them to develop future clinical diagnostic sense. The course also aims to enable the students to identify children with potential occlusal problems, and intercept, prevent, treat and eliminate factors involved in producing oro-facial abnormalities including the use of different habit breaking appliances and different types of space maintainers.
Prevention component is emphasized in this course to enrich the students competencies in detecting and preventing some oro-dental problems in children. In this course, prevention of occlusal abnormalities and abnormalities in teeth eruption is addressed as well as prevention of oral habits and space problems.
Pre-req.: PHBS 226