
Dentistry - Course - Preventive and Public Health Dentistry

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  • Course Code: PHBS226
  • Credits: 2
  • Hours Distribution: (2 Lec.)
  • Course Type: Basic Sciences Courses (Bas. Sci.)

Course Description

The course aims to enable the students to understand the basic concepts and methods of dental health education, including principles of motivation and communication as well as the basic concepts and methods of prevention of dental diseases. The student will also recognize the steps of proper planning, designing and implementation of a dental health educational program, and the importance of pilot studies timing, continuous evaluation and follow up. The students will understand the importance of conducting surveys in establishing data base and how to conduct them. The course also covers the basic epidemiologic aspects of dental caries and periodontal diseases including epidemiology, indices used to measure the condition and the multifactorial aspect of the disease with the prediction of risk factors in addition to the methods used to prevent them including health education, plaque control (mechanical and chemical), fluoride and pit and fissure sealant. The course also highlighted the importance of nutrition, diet history analysis and dietary recommendations. Moreover, the course introduce the student to problem based learning (PBL) and team based learning (TBL).

Co-requisit PHBS 224