
Dentistry - Course - Research and Evidence Based Dentistry

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  • Course Code: PHBS224
  • Credits: 2
  • Hours Distribution: (2 Lec.)
  • Course Type: Basic Sciences Courses (Bas. Sci.)

Course Description

The course introduces the concept and techniques of biostatistics used in dental research. It also presents an overview of the research methodology and basics of statistical methods in analysis and interpretation of oral health research. The course emphasis on understanding of the importance of sampling, collection, describing and interpreting of data. Examples from current basic science research, survey research, and clinical will be presented and discussed. The course also discusses the structure of scientific writing for a proposal of a research study and its different sections. Finally, it introduces students to the principles of Evidence Based Dentistry, focusing on the first three steps (Ask, Acquire and Appraise). The course is a mixture of lectures where instructor(s) explain the principles and discussion where students receive feedback on exercises to formulate PICO questions, search for primary/ secondary evidence and appraise observational studies and clinical trials. Students in small groups analyze scientific literature and learn about general patterns of clinical judgment, clinical thinking, decision making, and application of scientific evidence into every day practice.

Corequisite: PHBS 226