
Engineering - Course - Electrical Drives

  • Course Code: POWE531
  • Credits: 3
  • Hours Distribution: (3Crs.:3Lec,0Lab)
  • Course Type: Electrical Power and Machine Engineering Core Courses (EPMECC)

Course Description

History of electric drives and their elementary components, types of loads and dynamics of motor load combination, thermal limitation, considerations and classification of electric motors, analysis of different types of duties in drive systems, load cycle and motor rating selection of electric motors, steady-state stability of an electric drive. DC series, shunt, separately excited, characteristics curves with classical methods of speed controls (resistance, voltage and field control), design of chopper fed DC drives, first, second and fourth quadrant drive. Induction motor drives: performance and characteristics of classical drives (rotor resistance, supply voltage and supply voltage-frequency), modern drives (rotor injected voltage, slip power control, slip power recovery, stator voltage-current and frequency control), modern and classical methods for starting and braking of induction motors, industrial applications of electric drives. Pre-req.: POWE 434, POWE 436.