

  • Course Code: MELS309
  • Credits: 3
  • Hours Distribution: 2Lec,2Lab,0Tut
  • Course Type: Major Core Courses (MCC)

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to expose students to basic understanding of the implementation of quality assurance principles in different areas of health care laboratories through the application of national and international standards and benchmarking. The course will also help students to identify and amend errors in quality assurance procedures through gaining a basic understanding of the principles of good laboratory practice regulations (GLPR), as they impact laboratory quality systems. The main topics covered in this course are: Introduction to laboratory quality management system (LQMS); Facilities and safety; Equipment; Purchasing and inventory; Process control: Sample management; Process control: Introduction to quality control; Process control: Quality control for quantitative tests; Process control: Quality control of qualitative and semi-quantitative procedures; Assessment: Audits; Assessment: External quality assessment (EQA); Assessment: Norms and accreditation; Medical laboratory personnel; Customer service; Occurrence management; Process improvement; Documents and records; Information management; and Organization.