Course Code: PEDT403
Credits: 9
Hours Distribution: (9 Cr)
Course Type: Major Core (MC)
Course Description
This 8 weeks module introduces students to learning opportunities in clinical situations that help applying knowledge learnt in phase I and understanding common and important illnesses, conditions and disorders, in addition to patho-physiology and pharmacology in pediatrics. Students study issues related to growth & development, common nutritional problems, neonatology, allergic diseases, gastroenterology, infections, respiratory diseases, endocrinology, and common genetic disorders. In addition, students are allowed to discuss under-five health services, school health programmes and children with special health care needs. Students are also exposed to clinical experience in taking focused history and examination skills at a good standard, with the ability to competently diagnose and appropriately manage cases.
Prerequisites: USRP301 Urinary System and Rep II, NESC303 Neurosciences, PBGS302 Problem based group study 1, PBGS304 Problem based group study 2, REPG306 Research Project.