
Science - Course - Blockchain

  • Course Code: CMPS466
  • Credits: 3
  • Hours Distribution: (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab)
  • Course Type: Departmental Elective (DE)

Course Description

Blockchain technology is transforming the digital landscape across various industries, emerging as a dynamic and rapidly expanding field. This course elucidates the technology's structure, ensuring learners acquire a comprehensive understanding of blockchain fundamentals. Simultaneously, the course is crafted to propel learners to the forefront by elucidating the abstract nature of blockchain technology and underscoring its extensive applicability. The course encompasses essential aspects such as the mathematical and cryptographic foundations, mining, consensus protocols, networking, and decentralized governance. Specific topics covered through the course will encompass initiation and the abstractions/applications of blockchain, hash functions, cryptographic and mathematical principles, blockchain transactions, mining, consensus mechanisms, peer-to-peer networks, and governance. Moreover, technologies explored in the course will include Hyperledger Fabric, Solidity, and Ethereum. Pre-req.: CMPS455