Miniature Wilkinson Power Divider Based on Slow-Wave Microstrip Technology
This paper presents Wilkinson power divider (WPD) designs using slow-wave microstrip lines realized in multilayer printed-circuit-board technology. The main objective of this work is to reduce the size of the WPD using simple technique while maintaining similar electrical performance as a conventional WPD realized using conventional microstrip lines. Two Wilkinson power dividers (1:2 and 1:4) are designed and measured. The proposed dividers operate at 2.45 GHz. As compared to WPD realized using conventional microstrip lines, the proposed 1:2 WPD exhibits a size reduction of 44%.
Journal/Conference Information
50th European Microwave Conference (EuMC),Conference Type: International, ISBN: 978-2-87487-059-0, Organized By: IEEE, Proceeding Format: Electronic editions, Conference Date: 01/12/2021,