

International comparison of organic farming preferences in food choices among the Lebanese population


Consumers’ curiosity and desire towards organic food and an apparently healthier lifestyle directed the organic sector to expand. Retailers and farmers are contributors in this growth. Organic agriculture is an unconventional tillage intended to esteem the biotic cycle of manufacturing system. The amplification of the organic food market drives this study to investigate the increased demand, determine the motivational factors and illustrate consumers’ willingness to buy these products. A questionnaire was designed to target Lebanese organic consumers while shopping from organic food markets in North Lebanon. The descriptive findings indicate that Lebanese consumers seem to be aware about the environmental and health benefits of organic food, which present their main motives for buying. However, they lack confidence towards the safety and quality of local organic food. The high cost of organic food plays is the most significant barrier for consumers purchasing organic food. Organic food is an essential part in the Lebanese market and companies must increase consumer’s trust towards local organic food if the market penetration is to increase

Journal/Conference Information

Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment,DOI: , ISSN: 1459-0263, Volume: 19, Issue: 2, Pages Range: 7-13,