
2023-2024 Global Undergraduate Exchange program by the US Embassy in Beirut

06 November 2023


The U.S. Embassy in Beirut has announced the 2023-2024 Global Undergraduate Exchange program.

This is a one academic semester program in the United States for students between 18 and 25 years. Students will enroll in a full-time, non-degree, undergraduate course work in addition to engaging in cultural activities and community service.

The program will start in either August 2024 or January 2025 and the deadline to apply is: December 15, 2023.

Program information and application instructions/link are available here.

For inquiries, students can email with Global Ugrad Program in the subject line. 

As with all U.S. Embassy-sponsored programs, the U.S. Government pays for all major expenses, including roundtrip airfare, shared accommodation during the program, meals and health insurance. 

Competition is merit-based and Lebanese and long-term Palestinian residents in Lebanon from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Applicants will be considered without regard to race, religion, sex, age, and/or disability.