Interprofessional Education: occurs when members (or students) of two or more health and/or social care professions engage in learning with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the delivery of care.
Multiprofessional Education: occurs when members (or students) of two or more professions learn alongside one another; in other words, parallel rather than interactive learning.
Uniprofessional Education: occurs when education is undertaken by individuals within the same profession.
Professional Education: is the sum total of uniprofessional, multiprofessional and interprofessional education.
Interdisciplinary Education: occurs when learners from different disciplines (e.g. chemistry, social science) engage in collaborative interactive learning for a range of purposes (e.g. to understand complex interdisciplinary issues, to explore different disciplinary roles and contributions).
Multidisciplinary Education: occurs when learners from two or more disciplines learn alongside one another; in other words, parallel rather than interactive learning.
Unidisciplinary Education: occurs when education is undertaken by individuals within the same discipline.
Disciplinary Education: it is the sum total of unidisciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary education.
Assessment: is focused on understanding the learning that occurs by individuals or groups (e.g. examining how learners’ knowledge and skills of collaboration have improved).
Evaluation: is focused on understanding the effects of a program (e.g. studying the impact of an IPE course on diabetes care and delivery of services to patients).
Pre-briefing: IPE introductory lecture regarding core competencies, in addition to an orientation on the simulation functions that is given to the students before applying their management.
Debriefing: students reflect their performance before the facilitators give them feedback about their achievements during the session. Each simulation station is managed by an expert technician who manages the process of the case scenario and facilitators are responsible to assess students using management checklist, TOSCE (Team Objective Structured Clinical Exam) and give them feedback about their performance as a whole.