
Health-Sciences - B-Sc-in-Nursing

  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Campus: Beirut, Tripoli
  • Faculty: Health Sciences
  • Department: Nursing

Program Description

To obtain a Bachelor Degree in Nursing, students must successfully complete a total of 106 credits + ICDL. The standard duration of study for attaining a Bachelor Degree in Nursing is 6 semesters.

Chairperson Prof. Dr. Rajaa Fakhoury
Associate Professors  Dr. Mirna Fawaz, Dr. Hiba Deek
Assistant Professors
Dr. Ahmad Tassi, Dr. Ibrahim Kadamani

The mission of the Nursing Department is to promote and maintain the highest level of education through improvement in education, research quality, and community services in the fields of Nursing. The Department offers a comprehensive educational program through varieties of teaching/ learning methodology, laboratory, clinical experiences and field training, which are culturally and ethically sensitive. Graduates of the Department will be able to function in changing and diversifying health care settings. The Department provides evidence-based practice according to the highest professional standards by the incorporation of recent research findings into professional practice. To achieve its mission, the Department relies on highly specialized and dedicated staff members.

Enhancement of the academic experience, growth and the provision of increased educational opportunities through:

  • Providing competent professional graduates who can meet the rapid changes in the health field.
  • Preparing graduates to practice in a manner responsive to the community needs while maintaining the highest professional and ethical standards.
  • Promoting and maintaining continuous cooperation and interaction with local, regional and international health care organizations.
  • Providing open access to a number of international journals through the e-library.
  • Allowing undergraduate and postgraduate nurses to participate in the development of research projects.
  • Providing opportunities to the staff members to participate in research projects.
  • Supervising and supporting post-graduate students while conducting research and writing their theses, which are selected according to the needs of the health care practice.
  • Establishing a research committee as a lesion between the faculty of health science, Beirut Arab University and different health facilities.
  • Demonstrating awareness of community health needs and problems, factors affecting them, and different modalities of interventions; with attention to vulnerable population.
  • Considering community and market needs when addressing curriculum changes.
  • Participating in the process of continuous professional development of nurses in different health care practices
  • Providing health education and services to various community sectors.
  • Developing the existing nursing labs to provide high quality learning, teaching and research environment.
  • Selecting and retaining of high quality staff and investing in staff development according to the university employment policies.
  • Developing an information infrastructure to support excellence in learning, teaching and research.

Knowledge and understanding

K.1. Identify principles underlying the interaction between humans and their environment that affect health.

K.2. Recognize basic and health-related sciences underpinning nursing practices.

K.3. List physiological, psychosocial, and educational needs of the health care consumers.

K.4. Explain the role of the nurse in improving health, health promoting activities, and palliative care.

K.5. Define the role variation of health care teams and service providers according to individual’s/ groups needs and health care settings.

K.6. Recognize professional scope of practice.

K.7. Identify principles of communication skills utilized for the development of effective personal interaction.

K.8. Enumerate the principles and concepts of leadership/ management in health care.

K.9. Explain policies, procedures and guidelines concerning ethical issues and the rights of consumers.

K.10. Describe evidence based practice and research processes to be utilized in the delivery of health care.

K.11. Discover new advancements in nursing that have an impact on the individual’s capacity to practice nursing.

Intellectual Skills

I.1. Synthesize knowledge derived from the basic/health and nursing sciences for the development of professional skills and decision making in nursing practice.

I.2. Evaluate the collected information using logical judgment based on systematic approaches.

I.3. Formulate specific plans for meeting needs/problems taking into account time scale, workload and resources available within the context of holistic health care.

I.4. Use reasoning skills in prioritizing actions.

I.5. Set health educational goals according to identified needs/problems.

I.6. Analyze current and emerging health needs and problems within the surrounding society.

I.7. Conduct a research/research proposal/independent project based on the best research evidence .

Practical and Professional Skills

P.1. Gather relevant information from a wide range of sources including electronic data.

P.2. Conduct nursing assessments in different health care settings according to guidelines and standards.

P.3. Deliver holistic, individualized and centered care.

P.4.Apply health care promotion measures considering social, cultural, educational, technological, environmental, legal, ethical, economic and spiritual issues.

P.5. Use teaching / learning principles in implementing educational activities to patient/ client and subordinates

P.6. Practice in accordance to evidence-based guidelines and standards applicable to health care settings.

P.7. Record professionally the collected data, nursing diagnosis, actions to be taken and their outcomes.

P.8. Examine anatomical structure and features of specific human body organs.

General and Transferable Skills

G.1. Appreciate the vision, mission, objectives and values of the organization.

G.2. Use best available evidence- based standards and guidelines for conducting and evaluating nursing performance.

G.3. Assume responsibility for safe, competent and ethical health care accountable to the profession.

G.4. Communicate effectively with individuals and/or groups and communities through interpersonal, written and technological strategies.

G.5. Act as a role model and mentor, sharing knowledge and experience with peers and experienced health providers.

G.6. Demonstrate on-going commitment to personal and professional growth.

G.7. Assume leadership skills through formal and informal roles.

G.8.Consider culture diversity of individual groups, and communities.

To obtain a Bachelor Degree in Nursing, students must successfully complete a total of 106 credits + ICDL. The standard duration of study for attaining a Bachelor Degree in Nursing is 6 semesters.

Nursing Graduates can work in many sectors:

  • Hospitals
  • Homecare centers
  • Community and Primary Health-care centers
  • Schools and day care centers
  • Industries and occupational health clinics
  • Elderly homes
  • National and international health organizations
  • Insurance companies

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
BCHM215 Biochemistry 3 2Lec, 2Lab, 0Tut MCC
NURS207 Nursing Fundamentals and Professional Ethics 3 3Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut MCC
NURS209 Nursing Fundamentals: Practice 2 0Lec, 6Lab, 0Tut MCC
NURS215 Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses 3 2Lec, 2Lab, 0Tut MCC
PATH203 Pathophysiology 3 3Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut MCC
------- University Requirement 3 3 CUR
Second Semester
BIOL226 Microbiology 3 2Lec;2Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS216 Adult Health Nursing I: Theory 3 3Lec; 0Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS218 Adult Health Nursing I: Practice 2 0Lec;6Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS220 Health Assessment Across the Life Span 2 1Lec; 3Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS222 Emergency Care Nursing: Theory 3 3Lec; 0Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS224 Pharmacology for Nurses 3 3Lec; 0Lab;0Tut MCC
------- University Requirement 2 2 CUR
Third Semester
HESC301 Psychosocial Aspects of Health and Illness 2 2Lec; 0Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS307 Adult Health Nursing II: Theory 3 3Lec;0Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS309 Adult Health Nursing II: Practice 2 0Lec;6Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS319 Critical Care Nursing: Theory 3 3Lec; 0Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS321 Critical Care Nursing: Practice 2 0Lec; 6Cln; 0Tut MCC
------- University Requirement 2 2 CUR
------- University Elective 1 1 UEC
Fourth Semester
HESC302 Research and Evidence Based Practice 2 2Lec,0Cln,0Tut MCC
NURS310 Adult Health Nursing III: Theory 3 3Lec; 0Prac;0Tut MCC
NURS318 Pediatric Health Nursing: Theory 3 3Lec; 0Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS320 Pediatric Health Nursing: Practice 2 0Lec;6Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS324 Adult Health Nursing III: Practice 2 0Lec;6Cln;0Tut MCC
------- University Elective Course 1 1 UEC
------- Major Elective Course 4 4 MEC
Fifth Semester
COMM201 Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3 3Lec,0Lab,0Tut MCC
NURS405 Obstetric and Gynecological Health Nursing: Theory 2 2Lec; 0Cln;0 Tut MCC
NURS407 Obstetric and Gynecological Health Nursing: Practice 2 0Lec; 6Cln;0 Tut MCC
NURS409 Mental Health and Illness Across the Life Span 1 1Lec; 0Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS419 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 3 2Le;3Cln; 0Tut MCC
------- University Elective 3 3 UEC
Sixth Semester
IPEH512 Interprofessional Education for Health Care 1 0Lec; 2 free interactive learning activities; 0Tut MCC
NURS406 Community and Gerontological Health Nursing: Theory 3 3Lec; 0 Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS408 Community and Gerontological Health Nursing: Practice 2 0Lec; 6 Cln; 0Tut MCC
NURS410 Leadership and Management in Nursing 3 2Lec;3Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS416 Practicum II and Independent Project 4 0Lec; 12Cln;0Tut MCC
------- Major Elective Course 2 2 MEC

Major Core Courses (MCC)

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
NURS226 Emergency Care Nursing: Practice 2 0Lec;6Cln;0Tut MCC
NURS322 Nursing Practicum I 4 0Lec;12Pract;0Tut MCC

Major Elective Courses (MEC)

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
NURS211 Therapeutic Nutrition 2 2Lec,0Lab,0Tut MEC

University Elective Course (UEC)

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
NA000 University Elective 2 2 UEC

University Requirements (UR) (CUR)

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
MCOM003 Communication Skills 2 2Lec, 0Lab CUR

University Requirement Courses

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Type
ARAB001 Arabic Language 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) Mandatory
BLAW001 Human Rights 1 1 Lec. Mandatory
ENGL001 GENERAL ENGLISH 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) Mandatory