
Human-Sciences - A-Specialized-Diploma-in-Preparing-TAFL-Instructors

  • Degree: Diploma
  • Campus: Beirut
  • Faculty: Human Sciences
  • Department: Arabic Language and Literature

Program Description

Since Arabic is witnessing an increasing interest world-wide, there is hardly a place on the globe where Arabic is not taught one way or another, for religious, cultural, economic and nationalistic reasons, in particular expatriate Arabs who are keen on teaching their children their mother-tongue. In addition, globalization is playing a major role in attracting non-Arabs to the study of Arabic orally and in writing. In the light of this interest of non-Arabs to learn Arabic, the idea to introduce a Specialized Diploma in Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers arose. The Diploma aims at:

1. Qualify a generation of specialized teachers in the field, which may also create job-opportunities for teachers in Lebanon and abroad.

2. Educate qualified instructors to teach Arabic to non-native speakers, especially since the number of TAFL teachers in Lebanon is quite limited.

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
ARDP501 علم الأصوات 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) MD
ARDP503 - علم التراكيب 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
ARDP505 تقنيات تعليم اللغة العربيّة 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
Second Semester
ARDP502 علم اللغة التطبيقيّ 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
ARDP504 إعداد المنهج التعليميّ 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MD
ARDP506 تدريبات ومهارات لغويّة 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) MD

Elective Department (ED)

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
ARDP507 مهارات التواصل 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) ED
ARDP508 - تكنولوجيا التعليم 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) ED
ARDP509 تحليل النصّ 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) ED
ARDP510 علم النفس التربوي 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) ED
ARDP511 علم المعاجم 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) ED
ARDP512 علم اللغة الاجتماعيّ 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) ED