
Medicine - Bachelor-degree-of-Medicine-and-Surgery

  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Campus: Beirut
  • Faculty: Medicine
  • Department: Medicine

Program Description


  • To provide a high quality educational program that fulfills the needs of the community and meets high international quality standards.
  • To prepare students for independent and life-long learning through mastery of a wide range of transferable skills.
  • To prepare students to educate the public about health promotion, disease prevention and control.
  • To prepare students to provide and operate quality health care system.
  • To conduct research within a stimulating and supportive environment.
  • To provide society with high quality medical expertise.

The Faculty offers a Bachelor Degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBBCh) where the standard duration of the program is 12 semesters delivered in 6 years. The program is characterized by being student centered, outcome competency based and integrated systems-based. It also provides early introduction to clinical practice.

The medical program is based on outcome competencies and the medical graduate profile (MGF). The outcome competencies and related curriculum learning objectives were bench-marked with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). However, the content and delivery of the program was adapted to the culture, beliefs and health care system in Lebanon.

The standard duration of the Medical curriculum is 12 semester delivered over 6 years followed by one year of internship. The curriculum comprises three phases:

Phase I:

Pre-clerkship Phase (Semesters 1 to 6), which includes the study of nine modules. Each module integrates basic medical sciences with each other and with some clinical presentations through different learning methods.

Phase II:

Clerkship Phase (Semesters 7 to 10) which includes clinical rotations in Medicine and Medical Subspecialties, Surgery and Surgical Subspecialties, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Family Medicine. The medical program in this phase focuses on bed side hospital training and students are learning professional skills in clinical rotations.

Phase III:

Pre-internship Phase (Semesters 11 and 12) which includes clinical rotation in major medical branches together with clinical elective courses. In this phase, the students mostly function as sub-interns and they are responsible for their own patients under supervision.

For an undergraduate degree, applicants must:

  • Official Lebanese Baccalaureate Certificate in Life Sciences or General Sciences
  • Passing entrance exam, measuring proficiency in English Language, an aptitude test (thinking skills, General Knowledge, scientific knowledge: (Biology, Physics, Chemistry).
  • Passing an Interview with Faculty members.

The Medical Graduate Profile (MGP) describes the outcome competencies which the graduate that should be acquired by the end of the six-year medical program. The MGP competencies are organized according to (ACGME):

  1. Population and Patient Care
  2. Essential Medical Knowledge
  3. Evidence and Practice-Based Learning
  4. Communication Skills
  5. Ethics and Professionalism
  6. Health Care System and Cost Effective Practice

Curriculum competencies and related objectives are organized around five themes

Theme I: Professional Development

Theme II: Medicine and Society

Theme III: Foundations of Medicine

Theme IV: Clinical Practice of Medicine

Theme V: Community

Although all five themes are running throughout the medical program, they are not of equal weight, nor of constant weight. The curriculum outcome competencies and related objectives are distributed along the themes and reflected in themes objectives, contents, learning and teaching approaches and the training environment.

To receive a Bachelor Degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBBCh) a student must complete 204 credit hours with minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0 + (IC3). The following table summarizes the number of credits required for Bachelor granting program at the Faculty of Medicine.

Program Requirements
I. University Requirements Credits
* University Mandatory Courses 5
* University Elective Courses 9
II. Faculty Requirements Credits
Major Core Courses 190
Total 204

*A total of 14 credits are required as University Requirements:

- 5 credits are University Mandatory Courses: ARAB 001 (2Cr.), ENGL 001 (2Cr.), and BLAW 001 (1Cr.)

- 9 credits are selected from the list of the University Elective Courses; these are referred to as Student Selected Components (SSC) in the study plan.

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
BLAW001 Human Rights 1 (1 lec) UMC
COHD203 Health and Disease 7 (7 Cr) MC
ENGL001 English Language 2 (2 Lec) UMC
FABL201 Life Cycle 5 (5 Cr) MC
Second Semester
ARAB001 Arabic Language 2 (2Lec) UMC
HEMA204 Hematology 3 (3 Cr) MC
LOCO202 Locomotor System 9 (9 Cr) MC
------- Student Selected Components 1 (1 Cr) UEC
Third Semester
CARD205 Cardiovascular System 7 (7 Cr) MC
RESP207 Respiratory System 5 (5 Cr) MC
------- Student Selected Components 2 (4 Cr) UEC
Fourth Semester
GITN206 Gastrointestinal System 7 (7 Cr) MC
RENR208 Endocrine and reproductive I 7 (7 Cr) MC
------- Student Selected Components 2 (4 Cr) UEC
Fifth Semester
NESC303 Neurosciences 8 (8 Cr) MC
USRP301 Urinary System & Reproductive System 2 6 (6 Cr) MC
------- Student Selected Components 1 (1 Cr) UEC
------- Work Ready Now 3 (3 Cr) CUR
Sixth Semester
IPEH308 Interprofessional Education for Health Care 1 (1 Cr) MC
MSYS302 Multisystem 1 7 (7 Cr) MC
MSYS304 Multisystem 2 7 (7 Cr) MC
REPG306 Research Project 3 (3 Cr) MC
Seventh Semester
INTM404 Medicine 1 9 (9 Cr) MC
OBGY401 Obstetrics and Gynecology 9 (9 Cr) MC
PEDT403 Pediatrics 1 9 (9 Cr) MC
SURG402 Surgery 1 9 (9 Cr) MC
Eighth Semester
INTM404 Medicine 1 9 (9 Cr) MC
OBGY401 Obstetrics and Gynecology 9 (9 Cr) MC
PEDT403 Pediatrics 1 9 (9 Cr) MC
SURG402 Surgery 1 9 (9 Cr) MC
Ninth Semester
FAMI501 Family Medicine 9 (9 Cr) MC
INTM504 Medicine 2 9 (9 Cr) MC
NEPS502 Neurology & Psychiatry 9 (9 Cr) MC
SURG503 Surgery 2 9 (9 Cr) MC
Tenth Semester
FAMI501 Family Medicine 9 (9 Cr) MC
INTM504 Medicine 2 9 (9 Cr) MC
NEPS502 Neurology & Psychiatry 9 (9 Cr) MC
SURG503 Surgery 2 9 (9 Cr) MC
Eleventh Semester
PEDM601 Medicine 3 & Pediatrics 2 9 (9 Cr) MC
SMED602 Medicine 4 & Surgery 3 9 (9 Cr) MC
SUME603 Elective 1 9 (9 Cr) MC
SUME604 Elective 2 9 (9 Cr) MC
Twelfth Semester
PEDM601 Medicine 3 & Pediatrics 2 9 (9 Cr) MC
SMED602 Medicine 4 & Surgery 3 9 (9 Cr) MC
SUME603 Elective 1 9 (9 Cr) MC
SUME604 Elective 2 9 (9 Cr) MC

University Requirement Courses

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Type
ARAB001 Arabic Language 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) Mandatory
BLAW001 Human Rights 1 1 Lec. Mandatory
ENGL001 GENERAL ENGLISH 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) Mandatory
ARCH001 PHOTOGRAPHY 2 1Lec Elective
ARCH002 HISTORY OF ARTS 1 1Lec Elective
BIOL001 Issues in Substance Abuse 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
BIOL002 Global Warming 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
BLAW003 Introduction to Law 2 2 Lec. Elective
BLAW004 Principles of Commercial Law 2 2 Lec. Elective
BLAW005 Principles of Maritime Law 1 1 Lec. Elective
BLAW006 Principles of Labor Law 1 1 Lec. Elective
BLAW007 Law of Professional Practices 1 1 Lec. Elective
BLAW008 Intellectual Property Rights 1 1 Lec. Elective
BLAW009 Citizenship and Foreigners Status 1 1 Lec. Elective
CMPS001 Mobile Applications Development 2 (2crs.: 2lab.) Elective
CMPS002 New Trends in Computer Technology 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
COME001 Control Of Acoustical Noise Pollution 2 (2Crs.:2Lec) Elective
COMP007 Website Development 2 (2Crs.:2Lec,0Lab) Elective
COMP008 Programming basics 2 (2Crs.:2Lec,0Lab) Elective
ENGL001 GENERAL ENGLISH 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) Elective
ENVI001 Water Resources 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
ENVI002 Natural Hazards 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
ENVI003 Meteorology Today 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
ENVI004 Environmental Issues in Lebanon 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
ENVI007 Man and Environment 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
FREN001 LANGUE FRANÇAISE I 2 (2Crs.:2Lec) Elective
HESC001 Topics in Addiction 2 2Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut Elective
HIST001 HISTORY OF LEBANON 1 (1Cr.:1Lec) Elective
HSSC001 History of Science 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
MATH005 Introduction To Statistics 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
NURS002 DISASTER MANAGEMENT 2 2Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut Elective
NURS003 CULTURE AND HEALTH 1 1Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut Elective
NURS004 TIME MANAGEMENT 2 2Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut Elective
NURS005 HEALTH PROMOTION 1 1Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut Elective
NUTR001 PRINCIPLES OF NUTRITION 2 2Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut Elective
NUTR002 PRINCIPLES OF FOOD SAFETY 1 1Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut Elective
NUTR003 NUTRITION OF THE YOUTH 2 2Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut Elective
PHTH001 STRETCHING 2 2Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut Elective
PHTH002 BODY ERGONOMICS 2 2Lec, 0Lab, 0Tut Elective
PHYS002 Physics for Everyday Life 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
PHYS006 Introduction to Astronomy 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective
PLSC001 Principles of Political Science 1 1 Lec. Elective
POWE001 Electric Safety 2 (2Crs.:2Lec, 0Lab) Elective
SCTH001 Scientific Thinking 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) Elective