
Pharmacy - Pharmacy-Practice

  • Degree: Master
  • Campus: Beirut
  • Faculty: Pharmacy
  • Department: Pharmacy Practice

Program Description

Program consists of 36 Credit Hours divided as follows:

Transferred from Bachelor in Pharmacy at BAU: 18 cr

General Courses (All students): 6 cr.

Specialized Courses (Master thesis option) : 6 cr.

Specialized Courses (Master non–thesis option) : 9 cr.

Thesis: 6 cr.

Project: 3 cr.

The diversity of pharmacy domains is one of its chief strengths, and in diversity lies the opportunity. In Lebanon, the vast majority of pharmacists practice in the community, pharmaceutical industries or hospital pharmacies. The remainder follow one or another of the special fields. The opportunity for success in any of these fields is wide open for men and women with ability, education and imagination.

Career opportunities for pharmacy graduates are:

  1.  Academic pharmacist
  2.  Clinical Pharmacist
  3.  Community Pharmacist
  4.  Hospital Pharmacist
  5.  Regulatory affairs Pharmacist
  6.  Industrial Pharmacist
  7.  Pharmacovigilance
  8.  Research and development
  9.  Clinical researcher
  10.  Medical Liaison
  11.  Market access
  12.  Marketing
  13.  Sales
  14.  Pharmacy Inspector

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
PHAR360 Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 (1Lec, 2Lab) Ph_Un_Mand
PHAR362 Pharmaceutical Microbiology II 3 (2Lec, 2Lab) Ph_Un_Mand
PHAR462 Medicinal Chemistry III 3 (2Lec, 2Lab) Ph_Un_Mand
PHAR470 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing 3 (2Lec, 2Lab) Ph_Un_Mand
PHAR471 Phytochemistry 3 (2Lec, 2Lab) Ph_Un_Mand
PHAR476 Integrated Case-Based Learning III (ICBL III) 2 (2 Practice) Ph_Un_Mand
PHAR583 Toxicology 2 (2Lec) Ph_Un_Mand
PHGC701 Applied Biostatistics 2 (2Lec) Gen_Mas
PHGC702 Modern Pharmaceutical Research Techniques 2 (2Lec) Gen_Mas
PHGC703 Research Methodologies and Bioethics 2 (2Lec) Gen_Mas
Second Semester
PHPP710 Advanced Skills for Pharmacy Practice 2 (2Lec) Gen_Mas
PHPP711 Journal Club 2 (2Lec) Gen_Mas
------- Master Elective 2 (2Lec) MSE
Third Semester
PHPP716 Thesis 6 (6 lec) MSE
PHPP717 Project 3 (4 lec) MSE

Master Specialized Elective Courses (MSE)

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
PHPP712 Patient Safety And Quality 2 (2Lec) MSE
PHPP713 Pharmaceutical Marketing And Policy 2 (2Lec) MSE
PHPP714 Social And Behavioral Theories In Health 2 (2Lec) MSE
PHPP715 Selected Topics In Patient Care I 2 (2Lec) MSE