
Science - Chemistry-Green-and-Sustainable-Chemistry-Track

  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Campus: Beirut, Debbieh, Tripoli
  • Faculty: Science
  • Department: Chemistry

Program Description

The Green and Sustainable Chemistry Track is designed to meet the urgent need for trained green and sustainable chemists who will lead and facilitate the transition from the traditional chemical practices to greener, environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternatives. A graduate with a BSc degree in Chemistry- Green and Sustainable Chemistry Track will have a deep understanding of the theoretical aspects of green chemistry and sustainability, as well as practical experimental skills to integrate the principles of green chemistry into different technologies. The track will also highlight the environmental, economic and social benefits resulting from the green practices in industries, academic institutions, and governmental organization.

Chairperson: Dr. Mohammad El-Dakdouki

Professors: Prof. Ghassan Younes

Assistant Professors: Dr. Nour Ghouch, Dr. Ibtissam Saad

Part-Time Lecturers: Prof. Dawood Nawfal, Dr. Khadija Hijazi, Dr. Amani Aridi

The mission of the Department of Chemistry is to provide high quality education which includes exposure to the core areas of chemistry. The Department offers a wide variety of courses to support other departments and faculties. It prepares chemistry professionals to meet the challenges encountered in their chosen careers, and supports research activities. The Chemistry Department also provides distinguished services to the community. 

The aim of the Bachelor of Science in Green and Sustainable Chemistry is to:

• Provide students with the basic theoretical principles and practical concepts of core and applied chemistry disciplines, with emphasis on Green and Sustainable Chemistry.

• Develop students’ skills in analysis, critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork, communication and research skills.

• Prepare students for graduate studies or professional careers in fields pertaining to chemistry in general, and green and sustainable chemistry in specific.

• Provide students with hands-on experiences with state-of-the art scientific instruments and equipment.

The Green and Sustainable Chemistry program enables students, by the time of graduation, to achieve the following outcomes:

a- Knowledge and Understanding:

1. The basic science including chemical principles and theories, terminology, nomenclatures, units and basic mathematics and physics.

2. The detailed knowledge of the subfields of chemistry, including analytical and physical chemistry, as well as inorganic and organic chemistry.

3. The fundamental facts, principles and theories of selected topics in applied chemistry including petrochemical industry, chemistry of polymers, catalysis, heterocyclic chemistry, physical photochemistry, medicinal chemistry, industrial organic chemistry, and industrial inorganic chemistry.

4. The fundamental principles and benefits of green chemistry, including its environmental and economic impact, sustainable process design, and the importance of life cycle assessment for evaluating sustainability.

b- Intellectual Skills:

1. Demonstrate essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to the main fields in chemistry.

2. Analyze and solve qualitative and quantitative synthetic chemical problems.

3. Analyze experimental data for meaningful interpretations, critically assess data in the literature and extract useful data from it.

4. Analyze, synthesize, and critically assess chemical processes for developing environmentally friendly solutions. Integrate interdisciplinary knowledge to innovate green solutions, assess viability through literature and data, solve complex industrial challenges, and adapt methodologies to diverse contexts.

c- Practical Skills:

1. Follow practical instructions safely and accurately.

2. Conduct experiments and use appropriate experimental apparatus effectively.

3. Operate chemical instrumentation. Read, evaluate and interpret data.

4. Practical skills in designing sustainable chemical processes, including proficiency in applying green techniques, optimizing energy usage, utilizing software tools and prioritizing ethical and safety standards.

d- Transferable Skills:

1. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.

2. Use information technology skills, especially in the areas of information retrieval, literature searching and use of library databases.

3. Work independently and collaborate effectively.

4. Manage time by the ability to plan and implement efficient and effective modes of working.

5. Acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the workplace or in professional field after graduation.

6. Stay updated and adapt to advancements in green chemistry through ongoing learning and professional growth. Acquire resilience in overcoming challenges, and develop skills to inspire sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

To obtain the Bachelor Degree in “Green and Sustainable Chemistry”, students must successfully complete a total of 97 credit hours, where the standard duration of study is 6 semesters. There is one general semester of study for the students of the Chemistry Program.

In addition to the job opportunities available for Chemistry graduates (see above), a graduate with Bachelor Degree in “Green and Sustainable Chemistry” has the unique opportunity to work as environmental consultant, government environmental Agencies, R&D positions, renewable energy sector, waste management and recycling, water and air quality analysis, sustainable agriculture, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), education and training, and sustainability analyst.

The Green and Sustainable Chemistry curriculum consists of the following components:

Chemistry Program
I. University RequirementsCredits
   *University Mandatory Courses5
   *University Elective Courses11
II. Program RequirementsCredits
   Faculty Core Courses17
   Major Core Courses46
   Track Core Courses15
   Faculty Elective Courses3

* A total of 16 credits is required as University Requirements: 5 credits are selected from the University Mandatory courses list. At least one course from social sciences and one course from humanities should be selected among the university elective courses.

** 3 credits are required as faculty electives. Students can enroll in any course offered by the Faculty of Science, preferably related to the Green and Sustainable Chemistry track.

Faculty and Major Core Courses: 

Courses Crs. Pre-Co/requisites
MATH 241 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3
CHEM 241 Principles of Chemistry  3
CHEM 241L Principles of Chemistry Laboratory 1 Co-requisite: CHEM 241
PHYS 243 General Physics  3
PHYS 243L General Physics Laboratory 1 Co-requisite: PHYS 243
PHYS 243 General Physics 3
PHYS 243L General Physics Laboratory 1 Co-Req: PHYS 243
CMPS241Introduction to Programming 3
MATH242Probability and Statistics 3
CHEM242Analytical ChemistryPre-requisite: CHEM 241
CHEM242L Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Co-requisite: CHEM 242 
CHEM244Organic Chemistry I3
CHEM248Physical Chemistry I3Pre-requisite: CHEM 241
CHEM341Organic Chemistry II3 Pre-requisite: CHEM 244
CHEM341LOrganic Chemistry Laboratory1Co-requisite: CHEM 341
CHEM342Instrumental Analysis3Pre-requisite: CHEM 242
CHEM342LInstrumental Analysis Laboratory1Co-requisite: CHEM 342
CHEM343Chemical Kinetics2Pre-requisite: CHEM 248
CHEM345Inorganic Chemistry I3Pre-requisite: CHEM 241
CHEM346Bioorganic Chemistry3Pre-requisite: CHEM 341
CHEM348Inorganic Chemistry II3Pre-requisite: CHEM 345
CHEM348LInorganic Chemistry Laboratory1Co-requisite: CHEM 348
CHEM349Physical Chemistry II3Pre-requisite: CHEM 248
CHEM349LPhysical Chemistry Laboratory1Co-requisite: CHEM 349
CHEM405Solid State Chemistry2
CHEM441Electrochemistry and Applications3
CHEM441LElectrochemistry and Applications Laboratory1Co-requisite: CHEM 441
CHEM442Spectroscopic Identification of Chemical Compounds3Pre-requisite: CHEM 341
CHEM442L Spectroscopic Identification of Chemical Compounds Laboratory1Co-requisite: CHEM 442
GRSC444Senior Project2

Green and Sustainable Chemistry Track Courses: 

Courses Crs. Pre-Co/requisites
GRSC301Fundamentals of Green and Sustainable Chemistry3Pre-requisite: CHEM 241
GRSC302Green Analytical Chemistry3Pre-requisite: CHEM 242
GRSC402Green and Sustainable Processes3Pre-requisite: GSM XXX
GRSC401Environmental Risk Assessment and Mitigation Processes3
GRSC404Topics in Green and Sustainable Chemistry3

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
CHEM241 Principles of Chemistry 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) FC
CHEM241L Principles of Chemistry Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) FC
CMPS241 Introduction to Programming 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec.,2Lab) FC
MATH241 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 (3 Cr.: 3Lec.,0 Tut., 0 Lab.) FC
PHYS243 General Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) FC
PHYS243L General Physics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) FC
------- University Requirements 3 (3 Crs.) CUR
Second Semester
CHEM242  Analytical Chemistry 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
CHEM242L Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3 Lab) MJC
CHEM244 Organic Chemistry I 3 (3Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
CHEM248 Physical Chemistry I  3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
MATH242 Probability and Statistics 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec.,0 Tut., 2 Lab.) FC
------- University Requirements 3 (3 Crs.) CUR
Third Semester
CHEM341 Organic Chemistry II 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
CHEM341L Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) MJC
CHEM343 Chemical Kinetics 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) MJC
CHEM345 Inorganic Chemistry I 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
CHEM349 Physical Chemistry II 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MJC
CHEM349L Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) MJC
GRSC301 Fundamentals of Green and Sustainable Chemistry 3 (3 Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
Fourth Semester
CHEM342 Instrumental Analysis 3 (3Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
CHEM342L Instrumental Analysis Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3 Lab) MJC
CHEM346 Bioorganic Chemistry 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,2 Lab) MJC
CHEM348 Inorganic Chemistry II 3 (3Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
CHEM348L Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 1  (1Cr.:3 Lab) MJC
GRSC302 Green Analytical Chemistry 3 (3 Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
------- University Requirements 3 (3 Crs.) CUR
Fifth Semester
CHEM405 Solid State Chemistry 2 (2 Crs.:2 Lec) FC
CHEM441 Electrochemistry & Applications 3 (3Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
CHEM441L Electrochemistry And Applications Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) MJC
GRSC401 Environmental Risk Assessment and Mitigation Practices 3 (3 Crs.:2 Lec:3 Lab) MJC
------- University Requirements 5 (5 Crs.) CUR
------- Faculty Elective 3 (3 Crs.) FE
Sixth Semester
CHEM442 Spectroscopic Identification Of Chemical Compounds 3 (3Cr.:3Lec) MJC
CHEM442L Spectroscopic Identification Of Chemical Compounds Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) MJC
GRSC402 Green and Sustainable Processes 3 (3 Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
GRSC404 Topics in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 3 (3 Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
GRSC444 Senior Project 2 (2 Crs.) FC
------- University Requirements 2 (2 Crs.) CUR