
Science - Computer-Science

  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Campus: Beirut, Debbieh, Tripoli, Bekaa
  • Faculty: Science
  • Department: Mathematics and Computer Science

Program Description

Faculty Mission

The faculty mission aims to sustain excellence in the creation and dissemination of knowledge by: 1. Teaching and Research in basic and applied sciences 2. Scholarly publication in basic and applied sciences 3. Centrality of the Faculty within the University will be strengthened by excellence of our academic programs and our strategic collaborations with all faculties across the University.

Computer Science Program Mission

The mission of the Computer Science program can be summarized as follows: 1. Produce highly professionals in computer science that are committed to lifelong learning 2. Make positive contributions to society 3. Achieve the national development goals through fostering an academic environment ideal for knowledge development, research, and innovation in the field of Computer science.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

A few years after graduation, graduates of the computer science program will:

I. Have established a broad knowledge of computer science and mathematics to design innovative computer- related solutions for real world problems.

II. Have demonstrated effective teamwork, oral and written communication skills as well as collaborative skills and have contributed to society by behaving ethically and responsibly.

III. Be successfully employed or accepted into a graduate program, and demonstrate professional development and lifelong learning throughout their careers

Student Outcomes

Our CS program student outcomes are consistent with the ABET Criterion for Computer Science programs. The program enables students to achieve, by the time of graduation:

Outcome (1): Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.

Outcome (2): Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.

Outcome (3): Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.

Outcome (4): Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice, taking into account legal, ethical, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility principles consistent with the mission of the institution.

Outcome (5): Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.

Outcome (6): Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions


BAU-ABET Accreditation

The Computer Science Program (Debbieh campus) in the Faculty of Science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) of ABET, which is the board assigned for accrediting computing programs in the United States of America and internationally.

Career Opportunities

The rapid development in the world of computer, including the introduction of new applications and the use of computer technologies in all domains of public and private organizations, academics, industry and research has led to more job vacancies for computer scientists. In particular, they may work as: System Programmer, System Analyst, System Administrator, Internet Applications Programmer, User Interface Designer, Database Analyst, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, Computer Game Designer/Programmer, Computer Science Researcher and Computer Science Instructor. 

Chairperson: Prof. Mohammad N. Abdulrahim

Professors: Prof. Ali Yassine El-Zaart, Prof. Toufic Anis El Arwadi

Associate Professors: Dr. Noura Mohammad Yassin, Dr. Abdullah al-Chakik, Dr. Maher Jneid

Assistant Professors: Dr. May AbdelHafiz Itani, Dr. Lama Ahmad Affara, Dr. Julie Imad Bou Daher, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmad Al Skafi, Dr. Layal Imad Abou Daher, Dr. Bilal Ezzedine Nakhal, Dr. Mohammad AlSaleh, Dr. Majdi Hamza Awad, Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Daher, Dr. Nader Yasser Bakir, Dr. Rabih Kamal Damaj

To obtain the Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, students must successfully complete a total of 100 credit hours, where the standard duration of study is 6 semesters. There is one general semester of study for the students of the Computer Science Program.

The rapid development in the world of computer, including the introduction of new applications and the use of computer technologies in all domains of public and private organizations, academics, industry and research has led to more job vacancies for computer scientists. In particular, they may work as: System Programmer, System Analyst, System Administrator, Internet Applications Programmer, User Interface Designer, Database Analyst, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, Computer Game Designer/Programmer, Computer Science Researcher and Computer Science Instructor.

The Software Development track: creating and design pioneering applications and systems, shaping the digital future.

The Cybersecurity track: safeguarding critical information and system infrastructure from evolving threats.

The Artificial Intelligence and Data Science track: analyzing and interpreting complex data and developing intelligent systems that unlock insights that boost decision-making in various industries.

The undergraduate curriculum for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science consists of 100 credit hours of course work, where the standard duration of study is six semesters. Upon completing the university and program requirements, students graduating from the program may attain a general computer science degree or a computer science degree with a track specialization as per below.

  • Computer Science
  • Computer Science
    Software Development Track
  • Computer Science
    Cybersecurity Track
  • Computer Science
    Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Track
Computer Science Program
I. University Requirements* Credits
   University Mandatory Courses 5
   University Elective Courses 11
II. Program Requirements Credits
   Faculty Core Courses 17
   Major Core Courses 53
   Departmental Elective Courses** 9
   General Science Electives (MATH, PHYS, CHEM)
Total 100

* A total of 16 credits is required as General University Requirements: 5 credits are selected from the University Mandatory courses list, 4 credits from social sciences list, 4 credits from humanities list and 3 credits from other lists of the university elective courses + IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certified).
** Students who want to graduate under a specific track must take all the Departmental electives from the desired track, otherwise they may freely select the Departmental electives.

Faculty Core Courses: 

Courses Crs. Pre-Co/requisites
MATH 241 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3
CHEM241Principles of Chemistry3
CHEM241LPrinciples of Chemistry Laboratory1Co-requisite: CHEM241
PHYS243General Physics3
PHYS243LGeneral Physics Laboratory1Co-requisite: PHYS243
CMPS241Introduction to Programming3
MATH242Probability and Statistics3

Major Core Courses: 

CMPS242Object Oriented Programming3Pre-requiiste: CMPS 241
CMPS244Digital Circuits3
CMPS246Web Programming3Pre-requiiste: CMPS 241
CMPS248Discrete Structures I3Pre-requiiste: CMPS 241
CMPS347Data Structures3Pre-requiiste: CMPS 242
CMPS343Computer Organization & Architecture3 Pre-requiiste: CMPS 244
CMPS345Discrete Structures II3 Pre-requiiste: CMPS 248
MATH341Linear Algebra3
CMPS342Database Systems3 Pre-requisite: CMPS 242
CMPS 344 Software Engineering 3 Pre-requisite: CMPS 242
CMPS 346 Theory of Computation 3 Pre-requisite: CMPS 248
MATH 348 Numerical Methods 3 Pre-requisite: MATH 241
CMPS 441 Fundamentals of Algorithms 3 Pre-requisite: CMPS 347 & CMPS 345
CMPS 445 Concepts of Programming Languages 3 Pre-requisite: CMPS 347
CMPS 447 Computer Networks 3 Pre-requisite: CMPS 347
CMPS 443 Senior Project I 1
CMPS 442 Operating Systems 3 Pre-requisite: CMPS 347
CMPS 444 Senior Project II 3 Pre-requisite: CMPS 443
CMPS 455 Computer Security 3 Pre-requisite: CMPS 447


The Computer Science program provides a track option. Students must complete all major core courses included in the study plan and choose three elective courses from one declared track. All track core courses are major core courses included in the study plan of computer science program.

  • Software Development
  • Cybersecurity
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Students not joining a track can freely select their Departmental elective courses.

The Faculty of Science in Computer Science offers the Bachelor of Science after completing all university requirements, faculty requirements, general science electives, and major core courses, in addition to 3 of the offered departmental electives. 

Students not joining a track can freely select their Departmental elective courses.

A student has to choose 9 credits out of the following list of Departmental Elective courses:

Departmental Elective Courses Credits Pre-co/requisites
CMPS 326 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction 3
CMPS 352 Mobile App Development 3 Pre-req: CMPS342
CMPS 461 Advanced Web Development  3 Pre-req: CMPS246 & CMPS342
CMPS 463 Game Design & Development  3 Pre-req: CMPS347
CMPS 462 Distributed Systems  3 Pre-req: CMPS447
CMPS 464 Competitive Programming  3 Pre-req: CMPS441

A student has to choose 9 credits out of the following list of Departmental Elective courses:

Departmental Elective Courses Crs. Pre-co/requisites
CMPS 325 Computer and Society 3 None
CMPS 354 Machine Learning for Cybersecurity 3 Pre-req: MATH242, CMPS347
CMPS 465 Cloud and Edge Computing 3 Pre-req: CMPS447
CMPS 467 Internet of Things 3 Pre-req: CMPS447
CMPS 466 Blockchain 3 Pre-req: CMPS455
CMPS 468 Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering 3 Pre-req: CMPS343, CMPS455

A student has to choose 9 credits out of the following list of Departmental Elective courses:

Departmental Elective Courses Crs. Pre-co/requisites
CMPS 452 Introduction to Data Mining 3 Pre-req: CMPS342 & MATH242
CMPS 453 Artificial Intelligence 3 Pre-req: CMPS347 & CMPS345
CMPS 356 Introduction to Data Science 3 Pre-req: MATH242
CMPS 469 Big Data and Data Analytics 3 Pre-req: MATH242 & CMPS342
CMPS 470 Deep Learning 3 Pre-req: CMPS347
CMPS 472 Applied Artificial Intelligence 3 Pre-req: CMPS347 & CMPS342

Academic Years
2013/2014: 54
2014/2015:  66
2015/2016: 65
2016/2017: 78
2017/2018: 82
2018/2019: 127
2019/2020: 172
2020/2021: 259
2021/2022: 531

Academic Years
2013/2014: 20
2014/2015:  13
2015/2016:  15
2016/2017: 22
2017/2018: 16
2018/2019: 19
2019/2020: 34
2020/2021: 41
2021/2022: 62

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
CHEM241 Principles of Chemistry 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) FC
CHEM241L Principles of Chemistry Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) FC
CMPS241 Introduction to Programming 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec.,2Lab) FC
MATH241 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 (3 Cr.: 3Lec.,0 Tut., 0 Lab.) FC
PHYS243 General Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) FC
PHYS243L General Physics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) FC
------- University Requirements 2 (2crs.) CUR
Second Semester
CMPS242 Object Oriented Programming 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS244 Digital Circuits 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS248 Discrete Structures I 3 (3Crs.: 2Lec, 3Lab) MJC
MATH242 Probability and Statistics 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec.,0 Tut., 2 Lab.) FC
------- Elective (University) 3 (2crs.) CUR
------- University Requirements 3 (2crs.) CUR
Third Semester
CMPS246 Web Programming 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab): MJC
CMPS342 Database Systems 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS345 Discrete Structures II 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS347 Data Structures 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
MATH341 Linear Algebra 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec.,0 Tut., 1 Lab.) MJC
------- University Requirements 2 (2crs.) CUR
Fourth Semester
CMPS344 Software Engineering 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS346 Theory of Computation 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,2 Tut) MJC
CMPS447 Computer Networks 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
MATH348 Numerical Methods 3 (3 Crs.: 2Lec.,0 Tut., 2 Lab.) MJC
------- University Requirements 2 (2crs.) CUR
------- Elective (Departmental) 3 (3crs.) DE
Fifth Semester
CMPS441 Fundamentals of Algorithms 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS443 Senior Project I 1 (1Cr.:1Lec,0Lab) MJC
CMPS445 Concepts of Programming Languages 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS455 Computer Security 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
------- Elective (Departmental) 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) DE
------- Elective (General Science) 3 (4crs.) GSE
Sixth Semester
CMPS343 Computer Organization & Architecture 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS442 Operating Systems 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS444 Senior Project II 1 (1Cr.:1Lec,0Lab) MJC
------- Elective (General Science) 2 (4crs.) GSE
------- Elective (Departmental) 3 (3crs.) DE
------- University Requirements 4 (4crs.) CUR

Departmental Elective (DE)

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
CMPS325 Computer and Society 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS326 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS327 Image Processing 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS348 Compiler Construction 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS349 File Structures 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS352 Mobile App Development 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS354 Applied Machine Learning for Cybersecurity 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS356 Introduction to Data Science 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS450 Computer Graphics 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS451 Software Design and Quality 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS452 Introduction to Data Mining 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS453 Artificial Intelligence 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS454 Logic and Automated Reasoning 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS456 Topics in Computer Science 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS461 Advanced Web Development 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS462 Distributed Systems 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS463 Game Design and Development 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS464 Competitive Programming 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS465 Cloud and Edge Computing 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS466 Blockchain 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS467 Internet of Things 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS468 Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS469 Big Data and Data Analytics 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS470 Deep Learning 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE
CMPS472 Applied Artificial Intelligence 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) DE