
Science - Physics-Applied-Computational-Physics-Track

  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Campus: Beirut, Debbieh, Tripoli
  • Faculty: Science
  • Department: Physics

Program Description

The Applied Computational Physics Track provides a more broad, balanced and flexible education than a traditional physics major. Combining computational elements alongside basic physical principles creates a mindset for modeling realistic systems.

To obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Physics with Applied Computational Physics Track, students must complete a total of 97 credit hours + IC3, where the standard study duration is six semesters. The first semester is the general science semester of study for the students of the Physics Program.

Chairperson: Prof. Ghassan Younes

Professors: Prof. Mahmoud El Korek

Associate Professors: Dr. Salem Marhaba

Assistant Professors: Dr. Waseela Kanawaty, Dr. Kholoud Habanjar

Research Assistant: Miss Alaa Abdallah

Part-Time Lecturers: Dr. Ali Kaafarani, Dr. Sally Shawa, Prof. Mohamad Abdulrahim, Dr. Zuhair Bitar

The Department of Physics at the Faculty of Science, BAU, aims to provide students with a rigorous and lively program of instruction in physics within the liberal arts context of the Faculty.

The program strives to enable students to:

  • Demonstrate applied competence in applying basic knowledge of physics to analyze problems of nature.
  • Improve the analytical and problem-solving skills related to physics.
  • Develop research on, teaching of, and design of components, devices, and systems.
  • Combining computational elements alongside basic physical principles creates a mindset for modeling realistic systems.

a- Knowledge and understanding of:

  1. The physical sciences and mathematics (Physics, Mathematics, Mechanics, Chemistry,…).
  2. The fundamentals to study physics problems.
  3. The quantitative comparison of theory and experiments for physics.
  4. The ability to develop a set of mathematical, problem-solving, and computer programming skills
  5. The ability to model and simulate a large number of different types of physical systems and formulate predictions using semi-analytical and computational techniques and data analysis.

b- Intellectual abilities:

  1. Ability to understand what physics is.
  2. Ability to be familiar with acute physics (electronics, microwaves, radiation, nuclear, solid, quantum mechanics, acoustics….)
  3. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve problems in physics.
  4. The ability to identify and apply research ethics and unbiased assessment in gathering and reporting scientific data and in the analyses of results of modeling and simulations.

c- Professional and Practical competencies:

  1. Efficient use of and familiarity with physic laboratory measuring instruments.
  2. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.
  3. Efficient use of the techniques, skills and tools of modern physics in practical life.
  4. An awareness of the underlying assumptions and limitations of various approximation schemes and certain computational algorithms.

d- General and Transferable Skills:

  1. Function in multi-disciplinary teams.
  2. Communicate ideas effectively in graphical, oral and written media.
  3. Recognize and respond to the need for lifelong and self-learning for a successful career.

To obtain the Bachelor Degree in Physics, students must successfully complete a total of 97 credit hours, where the standard duration of study is 6 semesters. There is one general semester of study for the students of the Physics Program.

Graduates will be well equipped with a solid platform in physics, computing and mathematics, as well as valuable skills in complex problem-solving. This will position them to fulfill the growing need for researchers, educators, and information professionals in a wide variety of fields: including engineering areas such as aerospace, applied mathematics and computer science, physical chemistry, finance, biomedicine and environmental science, as well as research in academic, industrial or national laboratories.

The physics curriculum consists of the following components:

Physics Program with Applied Computational Physics track
University Requirements*Credits
University Mandatory Courses5
University Elective Courses11
Program RequirementsCredits
Faculty Core Courses17
Major Core Courses49
**Track Core Courses12
**Track Elective Courses3

* A total of 16 credits is required as University Requirements: 5 credits are selected from the University Mandatory courses list. At least one course from social sciences and one course from humanities should be selected among the university elective courses.

** 15 credits are required as Track Major: 12 credits are core courses and 3 credits are elective courses.

Faculty and Major Core Courses: 

Courses Crs. Pre-Co/requisites
MATH241Calculus and Analytical Geometry3
CHEM241Principles of Chemistry3
CHEM241L Principles of Chemistry Laboratory1Co-requisite: CHEM 241
PHYS243General Physics3
PHYS243LGeneral Physics Laboratory1Co-requisite: PHYS 243
CMPS241Introduction to Programming3
MATH242Probability and Statistics3
PHYS242Thermal Physics2
PHYS242LThermal Physics Laboratory1Co-requisite: PHYS 242
PHYS244Physical Optics 2
PHYS244LPhysical Optics laboratory1Co-requisite: PHYS 244
MATH244Ordinary Differential Equations3Pre-requisite: MATH 241
PHYS341Classical Mechanics and Waves3
PHYS341LClassical Mechanics and Waves Laboratory1
Co-requisite: PHYS 341
PHYS349Theoretical Methods for Physicists2
PHYS342Quantum Mechanics I3Pre-requisite: PHYS 347
PHYS345Mathematical Methods for Physics3Pre-requisite: MATH 241
PHYS346Electromagnetic theory 3Pre-requisite: PHYS 243
PHYS346LElectromagnetic theory Laboratory1Co-requisite: PHYS 346
PHYS347 Modern Physics2
PHYS347LModern Physics Laboratory1Co-requisite: PHYS 347
PHYS 440
PHYS440LElectronics Laboratory1 Co-requisite: PHYS 440
PHYS441Electrodynamics3Pre-requisite: PHYS 346
PHYS442Solid State Physics3Pre-requisite: PHYS 342
PHYS442LSolid State Physics Laboratory1Co-requisite: PHYS 442
PHYS443Quantum Mechanics II3Pre-requisite: PHYS 342
PHYS444Senior Project2
PHYS445Relativity3Pre-requisite: PHYS 346
PHYS446Statistical Physics3Pre-requisite: PHYS 242

Applied Computational Physics Track Core Courses: 

Courses Crs. Pre-Co/requisites
CMPS242Object Oriented Programming3 Pre-Req: CMPS 241
CMPS248Discrete Structures I3Pre-Req: CMPS 241
CMPS345Discrete Structure II3Pre-Req: CMPS 248
CMPS347Data Structures3Pre-Req: CMPS 242

Applied Computational Physics Track Elective Courses: 

Courses Crs. Pre-Co/requisites
PHYS458Applied Computational Electromagnetic3
PHYS455Computational Physics3
CMPS342Database System3Prerequisite: CMPS 242

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
CHEM241 Principles of Chemistry 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) FC
CHEM241L Principles of Chemistry Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) FC
CMPS241 Introduction to Programming 3 (3Crs.:2 Lec.,2Lab) FC
MATH241 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 (3 Cr.: 3Lec.,0 Tut., 0 Lab.) FC
PHYS243 General Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) FC
PHYS243L General Physics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) FC
------- University Requirements 2 (2 Crs.) CUR
Second Semester
MATH242 Probability and Statistics 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec.,0 Tut., 2 Lab.) FC
MATH244 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec.,0 Tut., 0 Lab.) MJC
PHYS242 Thermal Physics 2 (2Crs.:2 Lec) MJC
PHYS242L Thermal Physics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:2 Lab) MJC
PHYS244 Physical Optics 2 (2Crs.:2Lec) MJC
PHYS244L Physical Optics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:2 Lab) MJC
------- University Requirements 5 (5 Crs.) CUR
Third Semester
PHYS341 Classical Mechanics And Waves 3 (3Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
PHYS341L Classical Mechanics And Waves Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:3Lab) MJC
PHYS345 Mathematical Methods For Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
PHYS347 Modern Physics 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) MJC
PHYS347L Modern Physics Laboratory 1 (1crs.: 2Lab.) MJC
PHYS349 Theoretical Methods for Physicists 2 (2 Cr: 2 Lec) MJC
------- University Requirements 5 (5 Crs.) CUR
Fourth Semester
CMPS242 Object Oriented Programming 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS248 Discrete Structures I 3 (3Crs.: 2Lec, 3Lab) MJC
PHYS342 Quantum Mechanics I 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
PHYS346 Electromagnetic Theory 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
PHYS346L Electromagnetic Theory Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:2 Lab) MJC
------- University Requirements 4 (4 Crs.) CUR
Fifth Semester
CMPS345 Discrete Structures II 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
CMPS347 Data Structures 3 (3Crs.:2Lec,3Lab) MJC
PHYS441 Electrodynamics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
PHYS443 Quantum Mechanics II 3 (3Crs.:3 Lec) MJC
PHYS445 Relativity  3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
Sixth Semester
PHYS440 Electronics 2 (2crs.: 2lec.) MJC
PHYS440L Electronics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:2Lab) MJC
PHYS442 Solid State Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
PHYS442L Solid State Physics Laboratory 1 (1Cr.:2Lab) MJC
PHYS444 Senior Project 2 (2Crs.:2Lec) MJC
PHYS446 Statistical Physics 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) MJC
------- Track Elective 3 (3 Crs.) TE

Track Elective (TE)

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
CMPS342 Database Systems 3 (3 Crs.:2 Lec,3 Lab) TE
PHYS455 Computational Physics 3 (3 Crs.:3 Lec) TE
PHYS458 Applied Computational Electromagnetic 3 (3 Crs.) TE