
Science - Mathematics

  • Degree: Master
  • Campus: Debbieh
  • Faculty: Science
  • Department: Mathematics and Computer Science

Program Description

To obtain the Master degree in Mathematics, the student has to successfully complete a total of 36 credit hours including 30 credit hours of course work with a CGPA of no less than 2.33 and successfully defend the thesis (6 credit hours) in no less than two years.

Chairperson: Prof. Mohammad N. Abdulrahim

Professors: Prof. Ali El-Zaart

Associate Professors: Dr. Imad Al Ashmawy, Dr. Toufic El Arwadi, Dr. Noura Yassin, Dr. Abdullah al-Chakik

Assistant Professors: Dr. Ahmed Sherif, Dr. Wassim El-Hajj Chehade, Dr. Maher Jneid, Dr. May Itani, Dr. Lama Affara

The program strives to enable students to:

  1. Have a solid foundation and understanding of mathematics;
  2. Communicate effectively through oral presentations and publications;
  3. Contribute through the development of mathematics research;
  4. Pursue academic positions either in universities or in secondary schools where they become leaders in their area of specialty;
  5. Seek various upright career options in nonacademic sectors that need advanced background of mathematics.

Knowledge and understanding of:

K1-Knowledge of basic theorems and concepts in the different areas of mathematics.

K2-knowledge of the implementation of theories in problem solving.

K3-knowledge of different areas of research in mathematics.

Intellectual abilities:

I1-ability to understand the different math concepts and be able to implement them in our everyday problems.

I2-ability to consider problems that could be solved by implementing concepts from different areas in mathematics .

I3-ability to identify, formulate, and solve problems .

Professional and Practical competencies:

P1-efficient use of computers, laboratories and soft wares to handle problems that are difficult to be solved manually.

P2-understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities

P3-effectient use of the techniques, skills, and tools of modern mathematics

General and Transferable Skills:

S1-functioning in multi-disciplinary teams

S2-communicate ideas effectively in graphical, oral, and written media

S3-recognize and respond to the need for lifelong and self learning for a successful career

Master Degree To obtain the Master Degree in Mathematics, The student has to successfully complete a total of 36 credit hours including 30 credit hours of course work with a CGPA of no less than 2.33 and successfully defend the thesis (6 credit hours) in no less than two years.

  • Senior positions in finance, actuarial work, banking, and management.
  • Operation Research
  • Academic positions in schools and/or universities
  • Contribution to Mathematics by doing research in various fields

Program Requirements Credits
Core Courses 18
Elective Courses 12
Thesis 6
Total 36

The program utilizes a number of well-equipped laboratories for practical work and research. The Laboratories serving the program are:

  • 3 Undergraduate Computer Labs 
  • 1  Research Computer Lab

Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
MATH653 Measure and Integration 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) MC
MATH656 Modules and Rings 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) MC
RETH669 Research Ethics 1 (1Cr.: 1Lec) MC
------- Elective (Dept) 6 (6crs.) MC
Second Semester
MATH654 Advanced Analysis and Applications 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) MJC
MATH658 Algebraic Topology 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) MC
MATH680 Individual Studies 0 (2Crs.: 2Lec) MC
------- Elective (Dept) 6 (6crs.) MC
Third Semester
MATH682 Research Techniques 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec) MC
MATH690 Thesis 6 (6Crs.) MC

Elective Courses (EC)

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
MATH655 Galois Theory 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH657 Advanced Topics in Abstract Algebra 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH659 Advanced Number Theory 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH660 Complex Analysis 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH661 Boundary Value Problems 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH662 Advanced Probability and Statistics 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH663 Differential Manifolds 3 (3Crs.:3Lec) EC
MATH666 Optimization Theory 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH667 Advanced Numerical Analysis 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH668 Distributions Theory 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH669 Finite Element Method 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH670 Topics in Dynamics 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH671 Advanced Topics in Mathematics 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC
MATH672 Research Seminar 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec.) EC