

Challenges Facing E-Government and Smart Sustainable City: An Arab Region Perspective


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have affected recent public administration and governance. Electronic Government (E-Government) services were developed to simplify government procedures and improve interaction with citizens, on one hand, and to create new governance models to empower citizens and involve them in the decision-making process while increasing transparency on another hand. According to the literature, implementing E-Government applications and technologies would enable the country to address the fundamental questions of how cities function, how they are organized, and how businesses and processes could be made intelligent for citizens. By answering these questions, the country would be putting the grounds to enable the transformation towards Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC). Recently, the concept of SSCs gained importance as a mean of making ICT enabled services and applications available to increase the citizens’ quality of life and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the


El Zaart A.Y.


Al Nasrawi S.A., Ibrahim M.M., Adams C.

Journal/Conference Information

15th European Conference on eGovernement,