Application of community detection algorithms on learning networks. The case of Khan Academy repository
The rapid development of online learning networks has resulted in the widespread use of recorded educational contents. While the community structure of those networks may have an influence on the use of contents, research on detecting online learning communities and investigating their structures using social network analysis (SNA) methods is scarce. The purpose of the research presented here is to investigate the structure of online learning networks and their users’ engagement patterns. In this study, Khan Academy, a widely used video learning repository, will be used as a case. Community detection algorithms are used to detect the development of online learning communities and network performance and effectiveness measures are applied to assess the network structure, effectiveness, and efficiency of a large dataset consisting of 359,163 users that interacted with Khan Academy's videos with over 3M.
seifedine kadry
Journal/Conference Information
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
,DOI:, ISSN: 10990542, Volume: 78, Issue: 3, Pages Range: 1-12,