

Association of Various Genes with Susceptibility to Multiple Sclerosis in Lebanese Population of Bekaa Region: A Preliminary Study


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a multifactorial, polygenic, neurodegenerative autoimmune disease. Interleukin 7–receptor alpha (IL7-Rα), Human Leukocyte Antigen - DRB1*1501 (HLA-DRB1*1501), Tumor protein p53 (Tp53) and Synapsin III (SynIII) genes play a crucial role in this disease. This study aims at investigating specific genetic variants with MS occurrence in the Lebanese population of Bekaa province. MS patients (n=28) and controls (n=28) living in the Bekaa region in Lebanon participated in the study. DNA was purified from the collected blood samples. PCR-RFLP and sequencing of amplified PCR products from the targeted genes were performed along with conve-nient statistical tests. Genotype and allele frequencies of the studied genes were not statis-tically significant between MS patients and controls. No significance was noticed in rs1494558 and rs1494555 of IL7-Rα where T/T genotype was lower in patients (P=0.106) and A allele was higher in patients (P=0.108), respectively. Haplotypes strati-fication for rs1494555 and rs6897932 of IL7-Rα shows an increase in AT haplotype (P=0.248) and a decrease in GC haplotype (P=0.251) in MS patients and this was inde-pendent with HLA - DRB1*1501. Also, no association was shown neither with smoking (P=0.105) nor with gender (P=0.788). Although no association was shown between the studied SNPs and MS in the Lebanese population living in the Bekaa region, this research is considered of high interest since it is one of the first studies done in Lebanon that permits a better comprehension of the genetic implication in the disease.


Jamilah Borjac

Journal/Conference Information

Kragujevac J. Sci. 42 (2020) 97-112.,DOI: doi: 10.1111/j.1365-, Volume: 42, Issue: 42, Pages Range: 97-112,