On the Unitary Representations of the Braid Group B6
We consider a non-abelian leakage-free qudit system that consists of two qubits each
composed of three anyons. For this system, we need to have a non-abelian four dimensional
unitary representation of the braid group B6 to obtain a totally leakage-free braiding. The obtained
representation is denoted by . We first prove that is irreducible. Next, we find the points y 2 C at
which the representation is equivalent to the tensor product of a one dimensional representation (y)
and ˆ 6(i), an irreducible four dimensional representation of the braid group B6. The representation
ˆ 6(i) was constructed by E. Formanek to classify the irreducible representations of the braid group
Bn of low degree. Finally, we prove that the representation (y)
ˆ 6(i) is a unitary relative to a
hermitian positive definite matrix.
Mohammad N. Abdulrahim
Journal/Conference Information
Mathematics MDPI,DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/math7111080 , Volume: 7, Issue: 11, Pages Range: 1-7,