

Optimal Portfolio Management for Engineering Problems Using Nonconvex Cardinality Constraint: A Computing Perspective


The problem of portfolio management relates to the selection of optimal stocks, which results in a maximum return to the investor while minimizing the loss. Traditional approaches usually model the portfolio selection as a convex optimization problem and require the calculation of gradient. Note that gradient-based methods can stuck at local optimum for complex problems and the simplification of portfolio optimization to convex, and further solved using gradient-based methods, is at a high cost of solution accuracy. In this paper, we formulate a nonconvex model for the portfolio selection problem, which considers the transaction cost and cardinality constraint, thus better reflecting the decisive factor affecting the selection of portfolio in the real-world. Additionally, constraints are put into the objective function as penalty terms to enforce the restriction.


seifedine kadry

Journal/Conference Information

IEEE Access,DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982195, ISSN: 2169-3536, Volume: 8, Issue: March, Pages Range: 437-450,