Plasmonic Coupling of One-Dimensional Palladium
Nanoparticle Chains
In this paper, we investigate the plasmonic coupling e®ects on the localized surface plasmon
resonances (LSPRs) of palladium nanoparticle chains. We show the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images and the extinction cross-section spectra of near-contact palladium
nanoparticle chains from monomer to pentamer. The extinction spectra of chains nanoparticles
were measured by far-¯eld polarization spectroscopy over a large spectral range (ultraviolet,
visible and near-infrared) and compared with numerical calculations based on ¯nite element
method (FEM). For single palladium nanoparticle, the LSPR phenomenon appears in ultraviolet
region. By addition of palladium nanoparticles to the chain, we observe a tunable red-shifting on
the spectral position due to plasmonic coupling between palladium nanoparticles and a systematic spectral amplitude enhancement with the appearance of new modes of resonance.
Salem Tarek Marhaba
Journal/Conference Information
Nano,DOI: 10.1142/S1793292020500605, ISSN: 1793-2920, Volume: 15, Issue: 5, Pages Range: 1-9,