Rotary Oscillation of a Rigid Sphere in a Couple Stress Fluid
In this paper, the rotary oscillation of a rigid sphere in an incompressible couple stress fluid is studied.
The classical no slip boundary conditions are imposed on spherical boundary. Moreover, it is assumed
that the couple stresses on the boundary of the sphere vanish. In the present study, the motion is
generated by a sudden rotary oscillation of the rigid sphere about an axe passing through its center with a
time-dependent angular velocity. Stokasian assumption is taken into consideration so that the non-linear
terms are neglected in the equation of motion. The torque experienced by the couple stress fluid on the
spherical body is obtained using an integral formula. Exact solutions are obtained and results are
illustrated through graphs..
Tarek H. Shehadeh
E. A. Ashmawy
Journal/Conference Information
BAU Journal - Science and Technology ,DOI: none, ISSN: 2706-784X, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, Pages Range: 1-12,