Study of some γ-ray attenuation parameters for new shielding materials composed of nano ZnO blended with high density polyethylene
The ex ten sive uti li za tion of ra di a tion is rap idly de vel op ing world wide in volv ing abun dant fields like med i cal, in dus trial, re search, and nu clear fa cil i ties. This makes the need for study ing ra di a tion shield ing ma te ri als and their prop er ties more ur gent than ever. In the pres ent study, bulk and nano ZnO were mixed by the same ra tio each time (10, 20, 30, and 40 wt.%), with high-den sity poly eth yl ene as a poly mer ma trix and char ac ter ized by X-ray dif frac tion. The re sults con firmed the good dis per sion of bulk and nano ZnO par ti cles within the poly mer ma trix. The pre pared com pos ite sam ples were used in dif fer ent thick nesses as gamma ray shield ing ma te ri als, and the heavi ness was cal cu lated and com pared to lead. Us ing HPGe de tec tor at spe cific en er gies (59.53, 356.01, 661.66, 1173.33, and 1332.50 keV) for dif fer ent ra dio ac tive point sources (241Am, 133Ba, 137Cs, and 60Co), the mass at ten u a tion co ef fi cient for the sam ples was mea sured ex per i men tally. De pend ing upon the ob tained val ues, the lin ear at ten u a tion co ef fi cient, half-value layer, tenth value layer, heavi ness and re lax ation length were es ti mated. Us ing the XCOM da ta base, the val ues of lin ear at ten u a tion co ef fi cient, mass at ten ua t ion coe ff ic ient, and other par ame t ers were calc ul ated theo r eti c ally for the bulk ZnO blended with high-den sity poly eth yl ene. The ob tained re sults were com pared to the ex per i men tal val ues for nano and bulk ZnO blended with high den sity poly eth yl ene. The ra di a tion shield ing be hav ior of nano ZnO blended with high den sity poly eth yl ene was found to be more promi si ng and eff ic ient for rad ia t ion prot ect ion against gamma ray.
Mohamed Salem Badawi, Ramada Awad, Abouzeid Thabet
Journal/Conference Information
Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection,DOI:, Volume: 34, Issue: 4, Pages Range: 342-352,