Effect of Nano (Co0.5Zn0.5) Fe2O4 Addition on the Formation and the Physical Properties of (Cu0.5Tl0.5)-1223 Phase
This work investigated the eect of dierent nano-sized Co0:5Zn0:5Fe2O4 particles
addition on superconducting (Cu0:5Tl0:5)-1223 phase. Nano-sized particles
were synthesized by Co-precipitation method and characterized using X-ray powder
diraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM). Superconducting
composites of type (Co0:5Zn0:5Fe2O4)x=(Cu0:5Tl0:5)-1223 with 0.00 < x < 0.2
wt.% were prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction technique and characterized using XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and ion beam analysis.
XRD results indicate that an improvement in the relative volume fraction
for (Co0:5Zn0:5Fe2O4)x=(Cu0:5Tl0:5)-1223 composites was detected by increasing
x up to x = 0.08 wt.% and the lattice parameters unchanged by increasing the
addition of nano-sized Co0:5Zn0:5Fe2O4 particles. The PIXE results show that
the elemental contents are very close to the starting values. PIXE technique is
more sensitive for detecting the low elemental contents, especially for the nanoparticles.
RBS was more accurate technique for determination the oxygen content
than PIXE technique which is found very close to the theoretical values. From
both the electrical resistivity and magnetization measurements, the superconducting
transition temperature and hole-carriers concentration are found be increased
by increasing the addition of nano-sized Co0:5Zn0:5Fe2O4 particles up to 0.08
wt.%. The temperature dependence of the real X' and imaginary X'' components
of the magnetic susceptibility (ACMS) were measured at various ac magnetic field
amplitude (3-15 Oe). Finally, X- and Q-Band (9.3 and 33.9 GHz) Electron Paramagnetic
Resonance (EPR) spectra were measured at room temperature and the
g-values were calculated as a function of different nano-sized particles additions
at room temperature.
Nermine Awad Alsayyed
Ramadan Khamice Awad, Mohammad Riad Saker