
Amira Zaylaa

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Amira Zaylaa

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Google Scholar Citations: 268

H-Index: 10

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Amira Zaylaa

Assistant Professor

In 2009, Dr. Amira Zaylaa earned her B.Sc. in Physics from the Lebanese University. In 2011, she earned her M.Sc. with distiction in Biomedical Physics Emphasis on Medical Imaging from the Lebanese University. In 2011, Dr. Zaylaa joined a double Ph.D. program, in 2014 she obtained a Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Lebanese University, and a Ph.D. in Life and Health Sciences: Biomedical Signal Processing from François-Rabelais University of Tours in France, with 'Highest Honors'. In 2014, Dr. Zaylaa joined the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture and the Faculty of Medicine at the American University of Beirut as a post-doctoral researcher for 2 years. In 2015, she joined the Lebanese University as an Assistant Professor. In 2019 Dr. Zaylaa joined the Faculty of Engineering at Beirut Arab University and in 2021 she was assigned the coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering program at BAU to present. Dr. Zaylaa has received 5 awards, 1 scholarship and has more than 40 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Zaylaa is the Government Representative of the IEEE Lebanese Section, and a member in IEEE, IEEE Sensors Council, IEEE women in engineering, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE Council on RFID, IEEE Nanotechnology Council and IEEE Biometrics Council. Dr. Zaylaa is the Advisor and Founder of e-Health and Telemedicine club at BAU.


  • BioMedical Imaging, Chirp Medical Imaging
  • NeuroImaging and Neuroengineering
  • Complexity Theory and Applications
  • Nonlinear Signal Processing
  • Artificial Intelligance and Robotics 
  • e-Health & Telemedicine
  • Rehabilitation and Applied Physics

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. A.J. Zaylaa∗ , I. Haidar, Z. Doughan, M. Moumnieh, H. Mrad, and A. Haidar. Designed for Limb Loss: An ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-Based Bionic Prosthetic Arm Transition From Simulation to Reality. BAU Journal Science and Technology (Dec. 2024), vol.(6), Iss. (1), pp. 1-21, doi: (Main and Corresponding Author).

  2. A.J. Zaylaa and S. Kourtain. Advancing Breast Cancer Diagnosis through Breast Mass Images, Machine Learning and Regression Models. Sensors. 2024; 24(7):2312, doi: 10.3390/s24072312. (Main and Corresponding Author).

  3. A.J. Zaylaa and A. El-Hajj. Neurocomputing and Interfacing Digital Tasting System: Research, Design and Evaluation. BAU Journal Science and Technology, pp. 1-24, (2023), ISSN: 2959-331X. doi: 10.54729/2959-331X.1100. (Main and Corresponding Author).

  4. A. El Dirania, Z. Hachem, A. Mohanna and A.J. Zaylaa. Traditional and Advanced Neuroimaging Contributions to the Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Lymphoma Patients Visiting a Comprehensive Medical Center. Open Neuroimaging Journal, vol. 13, issue 1, pp. 6-15, (2020), doi: 10.2174/1874440002013010006. (Corresponding Author).

  5. A. Sayed-Kassem, N. Kozah, G. Hajj-Moussa, R. Harb and A.J. Zaylaa. BMIVPOT, a Fully Automated Version of the IntraVenous Pole: Simulation, Design and Evaluation. Journal of Health- care Engineering, (2020), vol. 2020, Article ID 7963497, 18 pages. doi: 10.1155/2020/7963497. (Corresponding Author).

  6. N. Jomaa, M. Haddad, G Adwane, A.J. Zaylaa and A. Rahbani. Dedicated Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequences: Contribution in the Diagnosis of Focal Epilepsy in the Lebanese Population. Journal of Health Science, (2018), vol. 6, pp. 439-445, doi: 10.17265/2328-7136/2018.06.007.

  7. A.J. Zaylaa, M. Rachid, M. Shaib and I. EL Majzoub. A Handy Preterm Infant Incubator For Providing Intensive Care: Simulation, 3D Printed Prototype and Evaluation. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, (2018), vol. 2018, Article ID 8937985, 14 pages. doi: 10.1155/2018/8937985.

  8. A. Sayed-Kassem, A. Ghandour, L. Hamawy and A.J. Zaylaa. Cutting-Edge Robotic Intravenous Pole: Preliminary Design and Survey in Academic Medical Center in Lebanon. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Devices, (2017), vol. 2, no. 124. doi: 10.4172/2475-7586.1000124. (Corresponding Author).

  9. A. Zaylaa, J. Charara and J.-M. Girault. Advanced Discrimination Between Healthy and Intrauterine Growth Restricted Fetuses By Unbiased Recurrence Plots. Advanced Techniques in Biology & Medicine, (2016), vol. 4, no. 2. doi: 10.4172/2379-1769.1000177.

  10. K. Al Ali, M. Doumit, M. Atoui, A. Zaylaa, F. Karameh and Z. Nahas. Seizure Initiation with Focal Electrically Administered Seizure Therapy (FEAST). Neuropsychopharmacology, Nature (2015), vol. 40, pp. S443-S611.

  11. T. Akiki, M. Doumit, A. Zaylaa, F. Karameh and Z. Nahas. Contrasting Non-Linear Dynamic Analyses of EEG in Alert and Sedated States. Neuropsychopharmacology, Nature (2015), vol. 40, pp. S106-S271.

  12. A. Zaylaa, S. Oudjemia, J. Charara and J.-M. Girault. N-order and maximum fuzzy similarity entropy for discrimination of signals of different complexity: application to fetal heart rate signals. Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, (2015), vol. 64, pp. 323-333.

  13. A. Zaylaa, J. Charara and J.-M. Girault. Reducing Sojourn Points From Recurrence Plots To Improve The Transition Detection: Application To Fetal Heart Rate Transitions. Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, (2015), vol. 63, pp. 251-260.

  14. S. Oudjemia, A. Zaylaa, S. Haddab and J.-M. Girault. Coarse-Grained Multifractality Analysis Based on Structure Function Measurements to Discriminate Healthy From Distressed Foetuses. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, (2013), vol. 2013, Article ID 152828, 9 pages. doi: 10.1155/2013/152828.

  15. A. Zaylaa, S. Ménigot, J. Charara and J.-M. Girault. Automatic Optimization of Chirp Setting Parameters in Medical Ultrasound Contrast Imaging. Journal of Life Sciences, (2013), vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 592-598. doi: 10.17265/1934-7391/2013.06.005.

Conference Proceedings

  1. A. J. Zaylaa, A. Daher, M. Ayache, N. Omeirat, R. Mahmoud, B. Abou Hawili. Early Diagnosis of Osteoporosis: An Artificial Intelligence-Based Framework. In Proc. 2023 Seventh International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME). (2023), pp. 226-231, IEEE Publisher, doi: 10.1109/ICABME59496.2023.10293019. (Main and Corresponding Author).

  2. A. Daher, M. Ayache, A. J. Zaylaa, M.Z. Abou Hadba, Y. Aycha and H. Hmadeh. Artificial Intelligence-Powered Development of a System for Detection, Diagnosis, and Rehabilitation of Eye Strabismus Disorder. In Proc. 2023 Seventh International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME). (2023), pp. 220-225, IEEE Publisher, doi: 10.1109/ICABME59496.2023.10293014.

  3. M.N. Younis, S.Haj Sleiman, S. Khadra, A. J. Zaylaa, A. Daher and M. Ayache. Building a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Using Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signals’ Classification. In Proc. 2023 Seventh International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME). (2023), pp. 130-136, IEEE Publisher, doi: 10.1109/ICABME59496.2023.10293031.

  4. A. J. Zaylaa, M. Makki and R. Kassem. Thalassemia Diagnosis Through Medical Imaging: A New Artificial Intelligence-Based Framework, In Proc. 2022 International Conference on Smart Systems and Power Management (IC2SPM-IEEE). (2022), pp.1-6. Beirut-Lebanon. (Main and Corresponding Author).

  5. A. J. Zaylaa, G. I. Wehbe and A. M. Ouahabi. Bringing AI to Automatic Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy from Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography, In Proc. 6th ICABME-IEEE, (2021), pp.49-53. Wardenieh-Lebanon. (Main and Corresponding Author).

  6. A. J. Zaylaa, R. Ghotmi and S. Barakat. Urine Analysis Device from Research to Design. In Proc. 5th IEEE-MECBME, October 27-29, (2020), pp.1-6. Amman-Jordan. (Main and Corresponding Author).

  7. H. ElSayed, N. Ghannam and A.J. Zaylaa. A Smart Orthopedic Bed for General Purpose Rehabilitation. In Proc. 5th ICABME-IEEE, October, Tripoli-Lebanon, (2019), pp.1-4. (Corresponding Author).

  8. N. Ayoub, S. Soboh, H. Salah Eldeen and A.J. Zaylaa. A Smart Hip Abduction Splint For Developmental Dysplasia. In Proc. 5th ICABME-IEEE, October, Tripoli-Lebanon, (2019), pp.1-4. (Corresponding Author).

  9. R. Chaaban, W.Issa, A. Bouakaz and A.J. Zaylaa. Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy and Fetal Doppler Ultrasound Signals: Kurtosis Based Classification. In Proc. 5th ICABME-IEEE, October, Tripoli-Lebanon, (2019), pp.1-4. (Corresponding Author).

  10. M. H. A. Noureldine, Y. Al Daulei, R. Kikano, N. Riachi, Y. Fares, R. Ahdab and A.J. Zaylaa. Quantification of Corticospinal Tract Atrophy Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Potential Diagnostic Tool in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. In Proc. International Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering Technology (IMCET)-IEEE, November, Beirut-Lebanon, (2018). (Corresponding Author).

  11. G. Hajj-Moussa, A. Sayed Kassem, N. Kozah, R. Harb, M. Arnaout and A.J. Zaylaa. Prototype Advancement of the Robotic IV Pole: Preliminary Simulation. In Proc. Third International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA)-IEEE, Beirut-Lebanon, (2018), pp. 71-74. (Corresponding Author).

  12. M. Shaib, M. Rachid, L. Hamawy, M. Arnout, I. EL Majzoub and A.J. Zaylaa. Advanced Portable Preterm Baby Incubator. In Proc. ICABME-IEEE, (2017), pp. 1-4. (Corresponding Author).

  13. L. Al Tinnawi, R. Harb, H. Nasser, A. Zaylaa and L. Hamawy. A New Dumb’s Communication System. 23eme Conference Scientifique Internationale La Science et la Recherche au Service de l’Homme, April (2017).

  14. A.J. Zaylaa, S. Saleh, F.N. Karameh, Z. Nahas and A. Bouakaz. Cascade of Nonlinear Entropy and Statistical Approaches to Discriminate Fetus Heart Rates. In Proc. ACTEA-IEEE, ASEE (2016), pp. 152-157. (Main Author)

  15. A.J. Zaylaa, A. Harb, F.I. Khatib, Z. Nahas and F.N. Karameh. Entropy Complexity Analysis of Electroencephalographic Signals during Anesthesia, Induced Seizures, and Normal Brain Activity States. In Proc. ICABME-IEEE, Beirut-Lebanon, (2015), pp. 134-137. (Main Author)

  16. F. Poulon, M. Zanello, A. Ibrahim, A.J. Zaylaa, P. Varlet, B. Devaux and D. A. Haidar. Comparison between fresh and fixed human biopsies using spectral and lifetime measurements: Fluorescence analysis using one and two photon excitations. In Proc. ICABME-IEEE, Beirut-Lebanon, (2015), pp. 25-28.

  17. A. Zaylaa, J.-M. Girault and J. Charara. Unbiased Recurrence Plot Quantification of Chaotic Dynamic Systems By Eliminating Sojourn Points. In Proc. ICABME-IEEE, (2013), pp. 187-190. (Main Author)

  18. S. Oudjemia, A. Zaylaa, J. Charara and J.-M. Girault. Delta-Fuzzy Similarity Entropy to Discriminate Healthy from Sick Fetus. In Proc. ICABME-IEEE, (2013), pp. 1-4.

  19. A. Zaylaa, S. Ménigot, J. Charara and J.-M. Girault. Empirical Optimization Of Frequency Parameters In Chirp Inversion Imaging. In Proc. Acoustics 2012, Nantes-France, (2012), pp. 2889-2893. (Main Author)

  20. A. Zaylaa, S. Ménigot, M. Nasserdie, J. Charara and J.-M. Girault. Empirical Optimization Of Chirp Excitation: Application To Contrast Ultrasound Imaging. In Proc. 18th ISMNDS-LAAS, March 22-24, (2012), page 109. (Main Author)

  21. A. Zaylaa, J.-M. Girault and J. Charara. Empirical Research On The Optimization Of The Frequency Parameters Of Chirp Sequences Used In Contrast Ultrasound Imaging. In Proc. ICABME, Tripoli-Lebanon, (2011), pp. 59-60. (Main Author).


A. Zaylaa. "Analysis and Extraction of Complexity Parameters of Biomedical Signals" Ph.D. thesis, François-Rabelais University of Tours, France (2014).


Undergraduate Senior Courses:

  • Telemedicine (BIME 541)
  • Internship (BIME 499)
  • Biomedical Imaging II (BIME 422)
  • Biomedical Sensors (BIME 441)
  • Biological Materials (BIME 432)
  • Final Year Project 1 (BIME 501)
  • Final Year Project 2 (BIME 502)
  • Biomedical Image Processing (BIME 413)
  • Biomedical Imaging II Laboratory (BIME 422L)

Undergraduate Courses:

  • Machine Learning for Medical Applications (BIME 336)
  • Biomedical Ethics and Human Safety (BIME 320)

Graduate Courses:

  • Neuro-AI Imaging (BIME 622)