
Engineering - Electrical-Power-and-Machines-Engineering

  • Degree: Bachelor
  • Campus: Debbieh, Tripoli
  • Faculty: Engineering
  • Department: Electrical & Computer Engineering

Program Description

Chairperson Ziad Osman.
Professors Soubhi Abou Chahine, Ali Haidar.
Associate Professors Mohamad tarnini, Mohammad Ayache,  Hamza Issa, Chadi Nohra.
Assistant Professors Abdallah El Ghaly, Alaa Daher, Amira Zaylaa, Hiba Halabi, Manal Fattoum, Ziad Doughan, Majeed Abdul Rahman,  Bilal Youssef, Abd Alrahman Elfelo,  AbdAllah Al Sabbagh,  Rami Khodor.
Lecturer Hiba Bazzi, Iman Haidar, Youssef Ajra, Oussama Dankar,  Ghina Waly.

Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Electrical Engineering.

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Power and Machines engineering (EPME). The EPME program focuses on both the theoretical and practical aspects of power engineering by addressing the fundamental concepts of engineering mathematics, physical sciences, electrical machines, Power Electronic Circuits, Electrical Power System Analysis, and high voltage engineering. The department plays a vital role in providing Lebanon and the region with qualified electrical power engineers. The department also offers Master and Ph.D. degrees in electrical power engineering to cater for working professionals in electrical power companies, utilities, manufacturing establishments and the energy sector in Lebanon

The educational objectives of the program are determined to support career advancement of the graduates and as they pursue their career goals, the graduates will:

  1. Advance in engineering careers involving the design, optimization, and implementation of electrical systems, take innovative entrepreneurial ventures, and /or successfully pursue an advanced degree.
  2. Acquire new knowledge and adapt to emerging technologies.
  3. Assume leadership roles in multidisciplinary teams and promote sustainable eco-solutions in contemporary issues.
  4. Communicate effectively and demonstrate ethical and professional behavior in a multicultural work environment.
  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

The undergraduate curriculum for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Power and Machines Engineering consists of 150 credit-hours of course work + IC3 + 30 credits transferred from Lebanese Baccalaureate or equivalent.

Electrical power engineers are involved in a wide variety of technology ranging from huge global positioning systems that can pinpoint the location of a moving vehicle to gigantic electrical power generators. These engineers are responsible for designing, developing, testing as well supervising the production of electrical and electronic equipment and machinery. Electric motors, controls of machinery, lights and wiring in building complexes, vehicles, aircrafts, power generations, control and transmission devices used by electric utilities are all examples of equipment built by these engineers. Electrical power engineers may choose to specialize in various areas like power generation, transmission and distribution, manufacture of electrical equipment or one particular specialty within these areas. These engineers are involved in designing new products, writing requirements for their performance, as well as developing maintenance schedules and charts. Testing equipment and machinery, solving operations problems, estimating time and cost of electrical and electronic products also come under their responsibility.

The Student’s Study Plan is given to every EPME student upon his/her enrollment. The EPME curriculum consists of the following components:

Common Requirements Credits
General University Requirements 20
Basic Sciences and Mathematics 26
General Engineering topics 9
EPME  Program-Specific Requirements Credits
Engineering Topics from Outside the Major 20
Electrical Power and Machines Core 58
Electrical Power and Machines Technical Electives 12
Final Year Project 4
Internship 1
  • Communication Laboratory
  • Microprocessor Laboratory
  • Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
  • Electronic Circuits Laboratory
  • Measurements Laboratory
  • Electric machines and drives Laboratory
  • Electric power and protection Laboratory
  • Control and Automation Laboratory
  • Power electronics Laboratory



Study Plan:

Course Code Course Title Credits Hours Distribution Course Type
First Semester
CHEM241 Principles of Chemistry 3 (3Cr.:3 Lec) BSMC
ENGR002 Introduction to Engineering 2 (2Crs.: 2Lec,0Lab) GEC
MATH281 Linear Algebra 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec,0Lab) BSMC
MATH282 Calculus 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec,0Lab) BSMC
PHYS281 Electricity and Magnetism 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec, 0Lab) BSMC
------- General Electives 2 (2) E
Second Semester
CHEM405 Solid State Chemistry 2 (2Crs.: 2Lec,0Lab) BSMC
MATH283 Differential Equations 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec,0Lab) BSMC
MATH381 Probability and Statistics 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec, 0Lab) BSMC
MCHE213 Dynamics 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec,0Lab) GE
PHYS282 Material Properties and Heat 3 (3Crs.: 2Lec,2Lab) BSMC
POWE212 Electric Circuits I 3 (3 Crs.: 3Lec, 0Lab) ETOS
Summer I
ARAB001 Arabic Language 2 (2Cr.:2Lec) CUR
------- General Electives 4 (4) E
Third Semester
COME212L Electric Circuits Lab 1 (1Cr.:0Lec,2Lab) CEECC
COME214 Electric Circuits II 3 (3 Crs.: 3Lec, 0Lab) CEECC
COME221 Electronic Circuits I 3 (3Crs.:3Lec,0Lab) CEECC
COME221L Electronic Circuits I Lab 1 (1Cr.) ETOS
COMP225 Digital Systems I 3 (3Crs.: 2Lec, 2Lab) ETOS
MATH284 Numerical Analysis 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec, 0Lab) BSMC
POWE271 Electromagnetic Fundamentals 3 (3Crs.:3Lec,0Lab) EPMECC
Fourth Semester
COMP326 Intro. to Microprocessor with Applications 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec, 0Lab) ETOS
COMP326L Introduction To Microprocessor With Applications Lab 1 (1Crs.: 0Lec, 2Lab) ETOS
ENGL211 Advanced Writing 2 (2Crs.: 2Lec,0Lab) GEC
POWE324 Electrical Power Systems 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWE324L Electrical Power Systems Lab 1 (1 Cr.: 2 Lab) EPMECC
POWE342 Control Systems I 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWE342L Control Systems Lab 1 (1 Cr.: 2 Lab) EPMECC
POWE344 Instrumentation And Measurement 3 (3 Crs.: 2 Lec, 2 Lab) EPMECC
Summer II
ENGL300 Speech Communications 2 (2Crs.: 2Lec,0Lab) GEC
ENGR001 Engineering Ethics 1 (1Crs.: 1Lec, 0Lab) GEC
MGMT002 Entrepreneurship I 2 (2Crs.: 2Lec, 0Lab) GEC
BLAW001 Human Rights 1 1 Lec. CUR
------- General Electives 2 (2) E
Fifth Semester
COME480 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 3 3 Lec COMM
POWE423 Electrical Power System Analysis 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWE433 Power Electronic Circuits I 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWE433L Power Electronic Circuits Lab 1 (1 Cr.: 2 Lab) EPMECC
POWE435 Electric Machinery I 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWE435L Electric Machinery I Lab 1 (1 Cr.: 2 Lab) EPMECC
POWE445 Control Systems II 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
Sixth Semester
COMP208 Programming I 3 (3Crs.: 2Lec,2Lab) GE
INME221 Engineering Economy 3 (3Crs.: 3Lec,0Lab) GE
POWE420 Electrical Power System Protection 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWE420L Electrical Power System Protection LAB 1 (1 Cr.: 2 Lab) EPMECC
POWE434 Power Electronic Circuits II 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWE436 Electric Machinery II 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWE436L Electric Machinery II LAB 1 (1 Cr.: 2 Lab) EPMECC
Summer III
POWE499 Internship 1 (1 Cr) EPMECC
Seventh Semester
POWE500 Research Methodology 2 (2 Crs.: 2 Lec) EPMECC
POWE501 Final Year Project I 1 (1Cr.) EPMECC
POWE526 Introduction To Renewable Energy 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWE531 Electrical Drives 3 (3Crs.:3Lec,0Lab) EPMECC
POWE531L Electric Drives Lab 1 (1 Cr.: 2 Lab) EPMECC
POWE543 Industrial Automation 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWE543L Industrial Automation Lab 1 (1 Cr.: 2 Lab) EPMECC
POWExxx Technical Electives 1 3 (3) E
Eighth Semester
POWE502 Final Year Project II 3 (3 Cr.) EPMECC
POWE528 Electrical Power Generation 3 (3 Crs.: 3 Lec) EPMECC
POWExxx Technical Electives 2 9 (9) E