
A Scientific conference with New Mazloum Hospital

11 October 2019


Under the patronage of the minister of public health, New Mazloum Hospital and the Faculties of Health Sciences and Business administration at Beirut Arab University-Tripoli campus organized a scientific conference entitled “Insights into Healthcare Management and Medical Practice” on October 11-12, 2019. The conference included eight sessions that tackled different topics including: humanization of healthcare, recent diagnostic tests, leadership skills in healthcare sector, mental health, stroke management, advanced radiology studies, advanced endoscopic surgery, medical ethics and accreditation, and organ transplantation. In addition, a satellite symposium on insulin pump therapy and two workshops entitled “Impact of simulation-based training in inter-professional teamwork and patient safety” and “Basic surgical skills’ were organized in parallel to the conference sessions. The conference hosted eminent speakers from Mazloum Hospital, Beirut Arab University, American university of Beirut Medical Center, Lebanese American University Medical Center-Rizk Hospital, the order of nurses in Lebanon, the order of physicians-Tripoli, in addition to external speakers from Turkey. More than four hundred participants including physicians, nurses, healthcare professionals and students attended the conference over two consecutive days.